Win a guide – With these books, slimming down becomes child’s play!

For most people, the beginning of the year is a welcome opportunity to get rid of old ballast – often in the sense of annoying weight that you have been carrying around for too long. But how does the project succeed in the longer term, beyond the first few weeks? Tip: You can win books on the subject!

In principle, losing weight is easy: If more calories are burned than the body (consumes) uses through healthy eating, exercise or – ideally, both – you lose weight. But it is not so easy to bring about the necessary consistency or to decide on the right diet or change in diet. Too many different diets are flooding the market, whether it’s keto, paleo, low carb, Atkins – it’s hard to choose. With these nutritional guides, it doesn’t just work at the turn of the year – regardless of whether you decide to fast, mindful eating or a conventional diet. Still unsure? You can find motivational tips HERE!Here we present some new products to you:We eat out of stress, out of sorrow, to calm down – often without really feeling hungry. The result: we gain weight and, in the worst case, develop an eating disorder. We often follow the same patterns over and over again. dr Kathrin Vergin has developed a food diary that focuses on “emotional eating” and in which not only the food is noted, but also routines, stress levels, feelings. All of this is reflected daily – for 12 weeks. In this way, one’s own eating behavior can be understood and a lasting change can be initiated without any prohibitions. Why diets fail, why losing weight is not the goal but only a side effect and why we should question why we do what we do – that’s what this one is about A book. In the age of crash diets, juice cleanses and obsession with losing weight, the anti-diet is returning to our own intuition and common sense. This includes: questioning unhealthy eating habits, developing fun in exercise and healthy nutrition and combining food with enjoyment and joie de vivre. The experienced nutritionist and podcaster Nuria Pape-Hoffmann shows you how to be careful with your body, your feelings and needs and how to finally do it permanently lose weight The tried-and-tested 6-week program with exercises and explanations for each day of the week takes you through the various stages of this path: explore your feelings of hunger and satiety, discover your own personal feel-good diet, free yourself from emotional eating and start the journey into diet-free living! The focus of this guide is a nutritional program that originally came from the USA and is called the “Fasting Mimicking Diet”. This so-called sham fasting puts the organism into the rejuvenating fasting metabolism, which is also known as “autophagy”. This mechanism can be set in motion without having to starve, as is the case with classic zero diets. This is made possible by a clinically tested composition of nutrients. Rich in healthy fats, low in sugar and proteins, the program delivers between 730 and 1150 kilocalories a day – that fills you up and is enough for the coveted health boost. But we have to understand how important a role our brain plays in the weight loss process. dr medical Felix Kreier and Dr. medical Maarten Biezeveld clearly explain which brain regions come into conflict with each other when losing weight. And they show what small behavioral changes are needed so that the head no longer stands in the way of the body when it comes to the desired weight. This is how it finally works with sustainable and healthy weight loss! Emotional eating is the name given to the phenomenon when we overdo it without real hunger in order to dampen negative feelings such as stress, boredom or sadness. After binge eating like this, we feel remorse, because eating when we are upset is unhealthy and leads to weight problems. With Allen Carr’s famous Easyway method, you will easily succeed in putting an end to cravings in the long term and finding a relaxed, healthy eating pattern. Malte Rubach disenchants the 88 most common nutritional myths with clear facts and provides the most important knowledge in a compact and entertaining form that enlightened consumers need for sustainable and healthy nutrition. For example, it is about the questions of whether garlic can lower blood pressure, whether milk is really carcinogenic, whether wheat really makes you stupid and whether silent inflammations in the body are responsible for diseases. 88 such exciting questions are subjected to a fact check in terms of healthy nutrition and, thanks to the scientific background, lead to significantly more relaxed and healthy eating behavior. Here you can win one of the guides presented: You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal, current offers and discounts are available in our voucher portal. This article was created in editorial independence. As an Amazon partner, however, we earn from qualified sales. The prices may vary on a daily basis.
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