Windows 10 and Windows 11: Automatically empty the download folder – Here’s how


On Windows 10 and Windows 11 you can have your download folder automatically emptied. We show how you can use it to automatically delete old downloads at regular intervals.

If you download a lot from the Internet, many gigabytes of data garbage quickly accumulate in your download directory. In order to save you regular clean-up actions, you can also have the download folder automatically emptied under Windows 11 and Windows 10.

This is made possible with memory optimization. Depending on the setting, this tool clears unnecessary files from your hard drive when storage space is low or at specified intervals. The following steps show where you can find the memory optimization and how to set it up.

Please note: In this guide we use screenshots from Windows 10. However, the steps are the same on Windows 11 as only the window design has changed. The specified menus, key combinations and buttons are identical. We will mark any deviations.

In further instructions, we will show you how to track down large files under Windows and thus identify memory hogs. You can also free up a lot of disk space by deleting the Windows.old folder.

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