Windows 10: Fake Windows 11 upgrades install malware

Hackers take advantage of the fact that more and more Windows 10 users are upgrading to Windows 11. The cyber gangsters spread fake Windows 11 installers with malware. This is how the attack works.

Microsoft is delivering the upgrade to Windows 11 to more and more Windows 10 users. Cyber ​​gangsters exploit this and spread fake Windows 11 upgrade installers, as reported by the US IT news site Bleeping Computer. HP security researchers have discovered this new wave of attacks.

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The well-known Redline stealer malware is hidden in the fake Windows 11 upgrade installers. This is malware that steals passwords, browser cookies, credit card details, and cryptocurrency information from the computers it infects, to name a few. The stolen data can be resold on the Darknet, for example. This then makes purchases in someone else’s name possible.

For example, the attackers used the domain to distribute their infected Windows 11 upgraders. However, the dangerous content is no longer on this website, so this specific page no longer poses a threat. But before that, the page gave the impression of being an official Microsoft website – here at HP you can find screenshots of it really very authentically acting side.

There was a “Download Now” button on it. If you clicked on this, you downloaded a 1.5 MB ZIP file called “” to your computer. If you unpacked the archive and clicked on the executable file it contained, a Powershell process started that loaded additional files from a remote web server. One of them was the Redline Stealer. This connects to a command-and-control server, from which it receives its orders: The hacker can then do as he pleases on the infected computer.

Even if no longer works, it can be expected that the attackers will put other comparable sites on the Internet for this type of attack.

How to protect yourself

Only use the official way within Windows 10 to upgrade to Windows 11. We present the upgrade options in these articles:

Windows 11: upgrade or better a new installation?

Windows 11 Download: There are three options

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