Windows 10: the latest update triggers a blue screen of death, here is a temporary solution

A new Windows 10 update is responsible for a serious Blue Screen of Death issue. Version KB5021233 of the operating system indeed causes an unexpected crash of the PC for some users, recognized Microsoft. Fortunately, a temporary solution exists while waiting for the Redmond firm to deploy a definitive patch.

Credits: id1974/123rf

While it is not uncommon for a Windows update to cause more or less serious technical problems, these are nonetheless annoying, especially when you simply want to take advantage of the latest version of your OS. . The most annoying, both for the user and his machine, is undoubtedly the famous blue screen of death, which has given many cold sweats since its creation by Microsoft.

You guessed it, it’s a blue screen of death that some Windows 10 users have after installing the latest update. The problem thus concerns the KB5021233 version of the operating system ranging from Windows 10 20H2 to Windows 10 22H2. Ironically, it’s a Patch Tuesday that just caused the problem. According to Microsoft, which acknowledged the bug, it was triggered by an incorrect version of the hidparse.sys system files, “which can cause signature validation to fail during cleanup.”

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How to Prevent Blue Screen of Death on Latest Windows 10 Update

Microsoft adds that a patch is already in preparation. However, until then, users must deal with this concern, which is disabling to say the least. Fortunately, there is a temporary solution while waiting to install the official patch. There she is :

  • Open menu To start up
  • Press the key update on your keyboard and click On/Off > Restart
  • Hold down update pressed during reboot
  • On the screen that appears, click Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt
  • Your computer will restart. Once at the command prompt, type: xcopy C:windowssystem32drivershidparse.sys C:windowssystem32hidparse.sys
  • Once the command is executed, type exit
  • Click on To continue

Windows should then restart normally and the blue screen issue should be gone.

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