Windows 11 is stagnating: Hardly any growth for the new Microsoft OS


Windows 11 doesn’t seem all that enticing to many Windows 10 users. Because the growth is stagnating, reports an advertising network in a recently published statistic.

Windows 11 has hardly “grown” in the past month. (Source: Microsoft)

  • Windows 11 hardly registers any growth.
  • This is reported by the advertising network Adduplex in its report for March.
  • Accordingly, only around 20 percent of PCs run with the new OS.

Windows 11 has been teasing since launch last October. There are enough reasons for this: from increased hardware requirements to changes to the user interface, Microsoft is not making the switch easy for fans. Many users therefore remain with Windows 10, as a new statistic shows.

The information comes from the AdDuplex advertising network, which provides advertising software for over 5,000 apps from the Microsoft Store. From this, usage data could be collected, which served as the basis for the report.

The Windows 11 user base is hardly growing, says AdDuplex

The Windows 11 user base is hardly growing, says AdDuplex (Source: AdDuplex / Screenshot: Netzwelt)

20 percent Windows 11 users?

Compared to the previous month, the company was only able to record growth of 0.1 percent. Windows 11 is stagnating at just under 20 percent of Windows PCs. Many users seem to shy away from upgrading to the new operating system. The majority of Windows users continue to use Windows 10.

windows 11

With Windows 11, Microsoft has opened the next chapter in the history of the operating system and cleaned up legacy issues. Here you can find out what innovations await you now and in the future.

Other studies paint an even bleaker picture. The traffic analysis portal StatCounter, for example, uses its analysis tool to monitor the characteristics of visitors to websites. According to their own statements, the software is used on over 2 million websites worldwide. There, Windows 11 only recorded a very small increase of almost 0.7 percent from February to March.

The global market share is around 8.45 percent, well behind the top dog Windows 10 with around 75 percent. It remains to be seen whether future improvements, such as feature update 22H2, will change this.

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