Windows 11: Microsoft gives tips for more gaming performance – at the expense of security


Microsoft gives gamers Windows 11 tips to get more performance out of the computer. However, this is at the expense of security.

More success through more performance? This could cost you system security. (Source: Vadymvdrobot /

  • Microsoft has shared hints on how gamers can take advantage of more power.
  • Two Windows 11 features should be deactivated for this.
  • In the long run, however, this could endanger your PC.

In a support document, Microsoft has shared “tips” for gamers on how to get even more performance out of the hardware under Windows 11. These are settings that have been proven in tests and user feedback to improve performance. However, they also jeopardize system security.

The notes in the document relate to memory integrity testing and the Virtual Machine Platform (VMP). If you deactivate it in the Windows Features, your game performance should increase. However, you should not switch off these functions permanently.

Performance over security?

As The Verge reports, the memory integrity checks the trustworthiness of your installed drivers, making it more difficult to introduce malicious code. The VMP, on the other hand, controls virtual machines on your system. Both functions can be used by cybercriminals to “hijack” your PC.

It is doubtful whether the performance gain from disabling these two features is large enough to justify the security risk. In any case, it is advisable to reactivate the functions after playing.

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