Windows 11: Microsoft has given the photos app many new functions


Windows 11 will probably soon receive a more extensive photos app. Microsoft is currently testing a number of new features, including a blemish removal tool.

If you organize and edit photos in Windows 11, you will soon get new tools for it. (Source: gioiak2/

  • Microsoft is currently testing new features for the Photos app in Windows 11.
  • Among other things, there are new tools for image processing.
  • There is also a timeline and a slide show function in the app.

The Photos app in Windows 11 could already have new features. Microsoft is currently testing new features in the Insider program that could be available to all users with an upcoming update.

As the manufacturer reports in the official Windows blog, a whole range of new features is being tested. This includes, among other things, timeline. Photos can be grouped by year and month.

In addition, there is a tool called “Spot Fix” that can be used to remove blemishes or unwanted areas from photos. There is a new slide show function for presenting holiday or wedding photos, for example.

These can be started automatically, including transitions, animations and 25 different pieces of music. Users can start the slide shows by clicking on any photo. Alternatively, several photos can be selected and combined into a slide show.

Currently, the new features are only available through the Windows Insider program. It is not known when the new functions will be rolled out for everyone.

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