Windows 11: the Media Player gets a makeover!

Ahlem Reggani

January 10, 2022, 5:30 p.m.


Windows 11 Media Player © Windows Blogs

© Microsoft

As Microsoft announced, a new media player is now available on Windows 11

This is a new Media Player which replaces Groove Music and the first version of Windows Media Player. Windows 11 beta testers have already had a chance to try it out, but it will soon be available to everyone.

A new version of the classic Media Player

After its Windows Media Player was abused by users during a live podcast, Microsoft announced its redesign in November 2021. After several months of testing, this media player is finally ready to use.

The American firm has designed this new Media Player so as to make listening and viewing multimedia content more enjoyable on Windows 11. With this new player, users can have access to a complete music library. They will be able to read, create and even manage their multimedia content faster. In addition, all music and videos from their computer will automatically appear in the library of this application.

The playback view of this tool includes images of album covers and artists. Users will also be able to search for their music and videos themselves in the settings of this player. Other shortcut and assistance functions are also on the menu.

How do I get the new Media Player?

The replacement for Groove Music is available on Windows 11 Build 22000. Users of this version will be able to install the new Media Player through the Microsoft Store. If no update is available, you will need to download it manually.

Once updated, the new player will replace the already existing Groove Music app on Windows 11 importing all saved data, playlists and media locations. Note that the classic version of Windows Media Player will still be accessible from Windows tools, even if, in a future version, it may certainly be deleted.

No information has been released as to the official date of deployment of this application to the general public. In addition to having proposed this redesign of its classic Media Player, Microsoft is also working on a new Notepad application for Windows 11.

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Source: Windows Latest

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