Windows: “important” vulnerability reported, install the latest update

New security alert from Microsoft itself. As spotted The Register, a vulnerability affects Windows 10 and 11, allowing hackers to access your machine if you connect to a public Wi-Fi network. For example, in a restaurant, cafe or other busy place.

Install the latest Windows update

So it is important to install the latest Windows update which was rolled out last week. It makes it possible to correct the CVE-2024-30078 vulnerability judged to be “important” since it allows hackers to access your machine if you connect to a public WiFi network.

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To do this, a hacker can send, through a WiFi network, a packet that contains malicious code. When you log in, the attacker takes control of your device and then executes commands remotely. This is a discreet operation since the victim does not realize anything. The hacker does not need a password or any other form of authorization.

Microsoft calls this vulnerability“important”, the second most important alert on the company scale. Even if you don’t connect to public WiFi networks, install the update to avoid disappointments.

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