Windsor: Harry’s violent charge against William

Lhe first three episodes of the documentary on Netflix had left Buckingham Palace rather quiet, especially damning the British tabloids for their treatment of Meghan. Harry and Meghan subsequently decided to take out the sulfateuse by directly targeting the royal palace and Prince William. In two new trailers released in recent days, we see Meghan claim: “I was not just thrown to the wolves, I was used to feed the wolves. »

His lawyer Jenny Afia drives the point home, saying ‘there was a real war on Meghan’ and saying she had ‘seen evidence that there was information coming from the palace against Harry and Meghan for the benefit of other people. “. “They find it normal to lie to protect my brother, but were not ready to tell the truth to protect us,” Harry said of his eldest son William, heir to the British crown. The Duke of Sussex, who will publish his Memoirs in January, entitled The Alternatealso films himself on his mobile phone as he leaves the United Kingdom, talking about the “flight of freedom”.

Prince William takes it for his rank

Harry and William seemed very close before the first city’s wedding in 2018. The two brothers would not speak to each other since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left for California. Harry dives into family intimacy when he recounts the summit meeting in January 2020 about his plans to move overseas with Meghan. He then explains that he offered to be “half in, half out” of the royal family, working for his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II but being self-financed. “It was terrifying to see my brother screaming and screaming at me and my father [le roi Charles III]saying things that just weren’t true and my grandmother just sitting quietly and absorbing it all, ”says Harry.

Harry drives the knife in again and accuses William’s entourage of being behind the couple’s negative media coverage, which he says was due to him ‘stealing the show’ from others members of the royal family. “The problem is when someone who gets married and should be a supporting role steals the show or does the job better than the person who was born to do it,” he says, clearly targeting William and his wife Kate.

Prince Harry also talks about his return to the United Kingdom in April 2021 for the funeral of his grandfather Philip, the husband of Elizabeth II. It was “hard”, “especially the discussions with my brother and my father, who were very focused on the same misinterpretation of the situation”. “I had to come to terms with the fact that we’ll probably never get a real apology. My wife and I are moving forward. We’re focused on what’s coming next,” he said.

No regrets, it seems, but shortcomings. “I miss the weird family gatherings where we’re all together under one roof at certain times of the year. […] I miss the UK,” he said.

These new episodes are therefore likely to prove to be explosive for royalty, which is going through a pivotal period three months after the death of Elizabeth II and the accession to the throne of Charles III. “As we had expected since last week, they took off the gloves,” writes the royal correspondent of the DailyMail Rebecca English. For his ITV colleague Chris Ship, “it’s getting dirty”. “This trailer suggests that (Harry) is going to blame his brother, or at least those around him, for some of the stories about the Sussexes that have come out in the press. This is a considerable escalation,” he added.

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Buckingham forced out of silence?

So far, the Palace has not commented on the substance of the documentary. But if the accusations made in the last part are serious, Buckingham Palace could this time be forced to break their silence. Charles, Queen Consort Camilla, William and Kate have already planned to display royal family unity by attending the Royal Christmas Concert at Westminster Abbey together on Thursday, which will be broadcast over the holiday season on television.

And, on Tuesday, the services of Kate and William released a photo of the tabloid-loving couple, in jeans, all smiles and casual, walking with their children in the royal estate of Sandringham. Far, therefore, from the so formal image in private portrayed by Meghan in the documentary. The first three episodes totaled 81.55 million hours of views, unheard of for a documentary in its first week of broadcast, according to Netflix. But, in the UK, Harry and Meghan’s popularity fell further just before the documentary’s release, when they were already the most unpopular royals after Prince Andrew, at the heart of a sex scandal. these last years.

The British press also crushed them after the first episodes, accusing them of “indecency” and of having “attacked the queen’s heritage”, in particular by criticizing the Commonwealth, to which she was very attached. during his reign. Some media already saw it as “a point of no return” in Harry’s estrangement from Charles and William. A reconciliation now seems unlikely, six months before the coronation of Charles III.

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