Winter blues: 7 preventive and simple tips to combat a low mood

Winter blues
7 simple and effective tips to combat a low mood

© Iryna / Adobe Stock

Winter blues can easily hit you in the dark season. But that need not be. These 7 tips will help you counteract the bad mood.

Cold, gray skies – in winter the world can seem bleak. Before the If the winter blues are starting to hit you or you want to combat the first signs of a low mood, take a quick look at our 7 tips with which you can easily forestall the winter blues.

Winter blues: 7 quick and easy tips to combat low moods

1. Let there be light!

It’s not just cozy candlelight that creates a nice atmosphere. During the day, when it’s gray and uncomfortable, you can also wear one Daylight lamp help. As we know, our body needs daylight and sunlight to produce serotonin and ensure a good mood from within. People used to go to the solarium to compensate for this lack of light. Not a good idea. With a daylight lamp you have the healthy, safe option right at home and can get support from it at any time. Half an hour a day at around 10,000 lux is usually recommended, which is comparable to the brightness of a summer day in the shade.

2. Exercise is the best medicine

Unfortunately, we can’t avoid this tip. Many people not only lack daylight in winter, but also lack motivation to do sports. Sure, you don’t always want to go out in the cold. Nevertheless, exercise is a perfect way to combat the winter blues. A regular sports session should therefore be part of your winter activities if possible. Be it in the fresh air or in the warm gym, even in your own four walls – sport is a guarantee for a good mood. Afterwards at the latest. Because exercise reduces cortisol levels and therefore stress levels. By the way: It doesn’t always have to be sweaty fitness training. A little yoga or a long walk also works.

3. Bring brightness and color to your wardrobe!

We almost reflexively switch to dark fashion in autumn. In keeping with the often dreary season, gray, black and dark blue or green replace our bright spring colors. But why actually? Bright pink is particularly popular this winter. So how about a great one Merino wool sweater in that same trendy color?!

Even if you don’t like current trend colors like the new Pantone color of the year 2023 – Viva Magenta – there are always alternatives to dark tones. Be it a bright blue, a flattering mustard yellow or a strong green. If you are not a fan of color at all, you could also opt for light non-colors such as beige or off-white.

4. Healthy eating is key

The food we choose has an impact on our mood. It is not (yet) possible to say clearly which food does exactly what and whether bananas, for example, really make you happier due to their tryptophan content. BUT: There is a lot of evidence to suggest that we can at least influence our minds positively and support it. Unfortunately, it’s not just about chocolate. Rather, scientists believe that a balanced diet with lots of vegetables and good omega-3 fats can be helpful.

5. Wellness for the soul – whether in the salon or at home

Visiting a beauty salon, a wellness oasis or a massage parlor can work wonders. A little bit of me-time can quickly banish a little low mood. If you can’t arrange the visit or are looking for a longer-term solution, you could also get one for at home Massage gunone Acupressure mat or simply create a fragrant shower bath. All of this ensures the best relaxation. The crucial point is the moment when you take time for yourself. Maybe just a few minutes.

6. Cultivate creative hobbies

Unfortunately, tiredness and listlessness are part of the winter blues. Try to do something about it and dedicate yourself to your hobbies. Creative activities in particular are great mood boosters. Let your imagination run wild and, above all, take your time. The relaxation and therefore the good mood then come almost automatically.

7. (Mentally) plan your next vacation

Dreaming away works best when the weather outside is not ideal. And even if the tip can’t be implemented every day – after all, you only ever have a certain vacation quota or budget – looking forward to your next vacation is guaranteed to put you in a good mood. Research where you could go, what sights await you, where you absolutely have to eat or where you could stay. Even if it’s just a short trip over the weekend – the thought of a nice trip just makes you feel happy.

With these tips against winter blues, winter should be the most beautiful season for you. And be sure: next spring will definitely come.

If you don’t just suffer from mild winter blues, but also have winter depression, the situation is serious. In this case, please be sure to seek professional help.

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