Winter breakfast: 4 reasons why you should have a warm breakfast

Have a warm breakfast
4 reasons why it is so good for your health

© Joanna Grabowska-Kowalska / Shutterstock

Porridge, scrambled eggs or pancakes not only taste delicious, they also promote your health. For these reasons, you should definitely have a warm breakfast.

Are you one of those people who like to have muesli with (plant) milk or yoghurt for breakfast or a good old sandwich? In fact, you would be doing your health a huge favor by having something hot for breakfast instead. Why it is like that?

4 reasons why a hot breakfast is healthy

1. It relieves your digestion

By cooking or heating up your breakfast, you relieve your digestion of a large part of the work, because warm food is easier to digest than cold and raw food. Compared to muesli with milk, porridge relieves the burden on the gastrointestinal tract because it requires less energy to digest.

2. It strengthens the immune system

Which brings us straight to the second point: Since the digestive tract doesn’t have to work as hard to process a hot breakfast, it has more time for other tasks. For example for our immune system, which is largely located in the intestine. With a delicious cooked meal at the beginning of the day, you also strengthen your immune system in the long term.

3. It follows your internal clock

Regardless of whether you are looking for answers in the ancient Indian health teachings of Ayurveda or in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – both systems say the same thing in this case: According to your internal clock, you can best support your entire organism if you eat a warm breakfast in the morning you take

in the Ayurveda morning is the time of the kapha dosha, i.e. the energy type that is rather sluggish. This also means that your digestion does not have as much power in the morning and can therefore process something warm more easily.

According to TCM the morning is the time of the spleen. This, in turn, is closely linked to the lungs, which you can strengthen by eating a delicious, warm cereal.

4. It protects you from cravings

Speaking of TCM: If you have a warm breakfast, you will probably even be less hungry during the day – at least less appetite for snacks and between meals. You can minimize the risk of food cravings, also known as spleen qi deficiency, by having a warm breakfast. This is because you strengthen your spleen and the energy supply there – Qi stands for life energy in TCM.

Tips and ideas for a warm breakfast

  • Porridge: If you like to eat oatmeal, a delicious porridge – or as grandma said: oatmeal – is the right warm breakfast for you. Simply boil the cereal flakes with ingredients and spices of your choice in a little water in a saucepan. How about fruit, nuts and a little cinnamon? Turmeric is also a wonderful breakfast spice because it has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system.
  • Scrambled Eggs or Pancakes: How about scrambled eggs? Pancakes are also a great variant of the warm breakfast for you if you like to eat egg dishes. If you combine the egg with some herbs and gently cooked vegetables or the pancakes with a little fruit, you give your body additional valuable nutrients.
  • Toasted Bread: That’s all well and good, but you still prefer to eat a slice of bread for breakfast? No problem! There is a simple solution for this: simply put your bread in the toaster. Of course, you don’t have the same positive health effects that a porridge with the superfood oatmeal offers you – but at least the bread is warm and easier to digest than cold.

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