With a “charming” trick – thieving couple wanted to rip off Klagenfurt

A couple tried particularly tricky to get the money from a 54-year-old from Klagenfurt. But the theft came to an abrupt end for both of them at the police station.

Monday evening, in a bar in downtown Klagenfurt: A 54-year-old is talking to a young person. What the Klagenfurt native probably didn’t notice was that the 17-year-old’s friend stole the 54-year-old’s ATM card in an unnoticed moment. The 29-year-old immediately went to the nearest ATM and withdrew several hundred euros in cash. It is still unclear how the man from Villach got the code for the ATM card. A short escape and a call “When the 54-year-old found out about the withdrawal on his cell phone, he immediately confronted the 29-year-old’s girlfriend, who immediately fled Left the premises,” police said. The Klagenfurt man gave chase and called the police while he was running after the teenager. A search for the 17-year-old was immediately launched. And after a short time the officers were able to stop her and take her to the Heiligengeistplatz police station. But there was initially no trace of her boyfriend. It was only a call from his girlfriend that made the 29-year-old from Villach come to the police station and return his ATM card and cash. The 29-year-old must now expect a report to the Klagenfurt public prosecutor.
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