“With his new wife … he is hiding”: has Kevin Guedj already replaced Carla Moreau? He comes out of the silence

Last January, Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj lived one of the most beautiful days of their life with their marriage. After years of love, marked by some separations and infidelities on the part of the Marseillais, as well as the birth of their daughter Ruby (3 years old), the famous couple united for the first time civilly in the Marseille city then during a majestic ceremony organized in Courchevel. Everything then seemed to be going for the best for the two reality TV stars. But, for the past few weeks, they have been in turmoil.

Everything would have changed between them during the filming of The Battle of the Clans (TFX) last June. At that time, Kevin Guedj would have fault with candidate Belle. Without this having been confirmed by the principal concerned, the separation was still recorded. “I think it’s time to tell you my breakup with Kevin. I’m not telling you that I’ve been living through very complicated days lately, this situation is difficult to live with, but it is nevertheless inevitable.“, explained Carla Moreau, with a heavy heart, on Instagram on October 27. Since then, they no longer live together and share custody of little Ruby.

A situation which turns out to be very complicated to live for Carla Moreau as she admitted, while for Kevin, it seems that it is on the contrary in great shape. Internet users criticize him in particular for multiplying outings and taking advantage of his celibacy a little too much. Charges that quickly made him jump. “Don’t drive crazy! Carla in Paris in the evening, nobody says anything, Kevin at home or I don’t know where and it’s a scandal! Take care of your ass! Thanks ! And for the rest, I have nothing to polish!“, he dropped in story Instagram.

But he was not at the end of his surprises … On Twitter, Kevin Guedj came across the message of a person saying so in a relationship with a mysterious woman for a long time ! “Kevin is at Paga’s Halloween party with his new wife who he has been dating for a year. He hides, he does not assume“, he shared again on Snapchat. After which he answered with irony: “Introduce her to me!!!! I hear about her every day!! Who is it ? 1 year is a long time too!“. More seriously, Kevin Guedj reframed these rumor mills: “Bunch of tired people. Take care of your life please“.

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