with Sonoma, Apple fixes one of the quirks of macOS

With macOS Sonoma, Apple is rolling out a quiet yet important new feature: iCloud Keychain support on Chrome. Until now, Google’s browser could only access it on Windows.

iCloud now allows Chrome, on macOS, to access Keychain // Source: Apple via MacRumors

With Sonoma, it’s one of the quirks of macOS that disappears. As reported 9to5Mac, the new version of Apple’s OS, announced in early June and now available in open beta, will finally allow Chrome to access passwords synchronized on the iCloud Keychain. This novelty seems anecdotal, said like that, but it is nevertheless major: until now only Safari could indeed take advantage of the iCloud keychain on macOS. A peculiarity all the more strange that, on Windows, Chrome can for a long time take advantage of this same keychain.

To activate this novelty, however, you have to turn to the Google Chrome extension dedicated to the iCloud keychain, recently updated. Its latest version (v. 2.0.5) is designed specifically to work with macOS 14 Sonoma. It is she who will allow access to the keychain.

(Another) good news as a bonus!

As pointed out 9to5Mac, the particularity of Chrome extensions is that they can be used with other Chromium-based browsers. They’re not just limited to Google Chrome, so they can be used on Microsoft Edge, or even Brave and Vivaldi, to name a few. On Edge, the iCloud Keychain is thus fully compatible.

Source: 9to5Mac

As a reminder, Keychain Access makes it easy to enter usernames, passwords, and other authentication codes from iCloud, without needing to copy-paste them from macOS settings (where they are visible under System Settings > Passwords). A valuable time saver that may encourage many users to install the new open beta of macOS Sonoma.

As for Safari devotees, note that macOS 14 also brings its share of new features improving Apple’s default browser. Among the new features, the possibility of adding websites as a web application in the Dock, but also better protected private browsing, among others.

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