With the Armenians in the forbidden corridor

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REPORTAGE. Azerbaijan is blocking the only land route between Armenia and its enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, depriving its inhabitants of essential resources.

From our special correspondent in Armenia, Marine de Tilly

Barrier.  Since December 12, the Latchine corridor, the only road linking Haut-Karabakh to the rest of Armenia, has been blocked.  Thousands of men, women and children are prisoners outside their homes.

Barrier. Since December 12, the Latchine corridor, the only road linking Nagorno-Karabakh to the rest of Armenia, has been blocked. Thousands of men, women and children are prisoners at their doorsteps.

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Alexander Patrin/TASS/Sipa – Tom Videlo – TOFIK BABAYEV/AFP (x2)

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