With these abdominal exercises, the belly becomes taut in no time!


You only need five minutes a day for these effective abdominal exercises – and you’ll be rewarded with a tight body center!

Why are our abdominal exercises worthwhile?

It does not have to be a washboard stomach, but we would all like to have a tight middle. It is a bit overweight health terms not so bad, even causes a longer life expectancy and prevents osteoporosis . But this nice side effect only have flaps on the buttocks and legs – higher up they can even be dangerous: “Muffin Top” Americans call it when the belly over the pants swells. Often, then, a layer of fat has already formed around the internal organs, which pushes blood pressure , fat and sugar levelsupwards.

Where does the stomach come from?

From the age of about 30, the body burns an average of 150 calories per day less every ten years. That does not sound like much, but it shows up after a few months on the waistband. And: During the menopause , the decreasing estrogen levels make extra pounds, especially at the waist.

The good news: Thanks to their high metabolic activity, the fat cells on the abdomen can be wiped away faster than on the buttocks or legs. So it works with the tight dream tummy – for example, with our effective 5-minute core training . I wish you success!

Only 5 minutes daily: our abdominal exercises

Three perfect abdominal exercises for every day – they come from the core training, provide a lean, tight middle and are well suited in the context of a belly legs butt program.

1. Half roll back

With these abdominal exercises, the belly becomes taut in no time!

For the lateral and lateral abdominal muscles (waist) and the deep muscles on the abdomen and pelvic floor.

Sit down and put your feet up. Place your hands on your knees. Build core tension (navel in) and roll vertebrae backwards for vertebrae – until about half of the spine is unrolled. The hands slide along the thighs. Then slowly roll up again. Raise your back in the seat. And roll back to the middle. 10 times. Then you shift the body weight slightly to the right while sitting and slowly roll to the middle – on the right side. Roll up again. Page change. 5 times per page.

2. power criss-cross

With these abdominal exercises, the belly becomes taut in no time!

An exercise for the inner and outer oblique abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back with your arms next to your body. Stretch both legs vertically upwards. Now build up core tension: pull in the belly button deeply, hold tension, while breathing calmly. Lift head and shoulders off the ground, put hands on the back of the head, elbows pointing outwards. Slowly lower your left leg towards the floor, while simultaneously turning your upper body to the right, keeping your left elbow in the direction of your right leg. Return left leg, turn upper body back to center, head and shoulders stay up. Page change. 2 times 10 repetitions per page.

3. intensive crunch

With these abdominal exercises, the belly becomes taut in no time!

An abdominal exercise for the straight and the inner abdominal muscles.

Lie supine on legs, upper and lower legs form a right angle. Put hands on the back of the head, elbows pointing outwards. Pull belly button inwards, lift head and shoulders slightly. Do not forget to breathe! Now move your upper body and knees as far as possible towards each other and come back, without completely removing your head and shoulders. Now stretch your legs diagonally across the floor and stretch your toes – your lower back stays on the mat. Come back to the starting position. And again upper body to the knees, back, legs stretch, back. Always alternating. Repeat the crunch 10 to 15 times.

Core Training: This really tightens the stomach

Our abdominal-away exercises in the test show: The stomach is just flat, but only by sport, which screws the basal metabolic rate upwards. Probably the most effective workout besides endurance training and other workouts is called core training . The special thing about it: It also appeals to the deep muscles and is thus particularly intense.

Why does core training have such a positive effect on the stomach?

For example, the lower, oblique abdominal muscles tie the midsection of the body together like a corset – and thus automatically ensure a slimmer waist. At the same time, the training also strengthens the lower back muscles and stabilizes the entire spine: Your many short muscle strands each begin at a vertebral body, drag over two to four other vertebral bodies and then end there. If they are strong, they can protect the spine and prevent back pain .

In addition, strong deep muscles give the body greater stability, protect the joints and ensure that they are optimally aligned with every movement.

What is behind the abdominal exercises?

Jurgen Klinsmann became famous overnight for his core training and lower-lying muscles. In 2006, he prepared his players for the World Cup. Although it was already known that under the big upper muscles are still smaller, but in the conventional abdominal legs and buttocks of the gyms, these were not taken into account.

Only through Pilates, the game slowly moved into the foreground – there, too, the so-called powerhouse , so the deep-lying muscles of the body center, constantly tense. And finally, the fitness coach of the German national football team, Mark Verstegen, developed today’s core training: “core” means core – the strength training strengthens exercises not only the underlying muscles, but the performance of the entire body.

At a glance: Why core training is the secret of a taut abdomen

  • Unlike traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches and the like, core-abdominal exercises also strengthen the lower-lying muscles that tie the midsection of the body like a tight corset.
  • The abdominal muscle training also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles.
  • It promotes an upright posture and makes the stomach look slimmer (Byebye belly fat, hello six-pack!).
  • It stabilizes the entire body, so that its joints are optimally aligned with every movement.
  • For strength training, you do not need any additional equipment or special sports shoes – perfect for traveling.