With these tips you can master the camping trip with your pets

Travelling with a dog or cat: With these tips you can master the camping trip with your pets

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Camping with pets can be a wonderful experience, but it also requires special preparation. Jenny Krutzinna, a camping specialist, gives tips and advice on how to optimally plan a camping holiday with dogs and cats.

What special preparations should be made for camping with pets, especially dogs and cats?

For a successful camping holiday with pets, there are some important preparations to be made:

Route planning: Plan enough breaks, especially for dogs. Regular breaks are important to allow your pet to exercise and relax.

Resort choice: In summer, pay attention to the climate at your destination. Consider how hot it can get and whether there is enough shade to protect your pet from the heat. Without air conditioning in your motorhome or caravan, some places are unsuitable for traveling with pets in summer.

Security and supplies during the journey: Make sure that your pet is well secured and cared for during the journey. Use suitable transport boxes or seat belts. Your pet doesn’t like the box? A trick: use a different transport box than the one used for the vet visit.

Feed supply: Especially when it comes to special diets, you should bring the usual food from home. This will avoid problems if the special food is not available at your holiday destination.

Travel abroad: Check the pet passport and make sure that your pet is up to date with vaccinations. Find out about the country’s entry requirements in good time, as additional measures such as deworming for dogs are often necessary.

Permission at the holiday destination: Make sure that pets are allowed and welcome at the holiday destination. Check if it is allowed to walk your dog on the campsite, take him to the beach or to the beer garden.

About the guest author

Jenny Krutzinna has a PhD in philosophy and is a passionate camper. When switching from a tent to a motorhome presented her with challenges in finding a place to camp, she and her partner quickly developed a digital solution. For eight years they have been running a leading Camping appwhich helps hundreds of thousands of campers find suitable places to stay all over Europe. Jenny also regularly gives talks on camping and travel topics at camping fairs and vanlife events. She spends around six months a year on the road in a camper.

Where should the pet be kept in the motorhome while driving and how can it be secured safely?

Pets must be secured in the motorhome while driving. There are three main ways to do this:

  • Transport boxes: These should be firmly secured during the journey to prevent slipping.
  • Special Harnesses: Your pet can be leashed and buckled with a special harness to keep him or her securely in place.
  • Permanently installed dog crates: These can be installed in the rear of the vehicle. For caravans, the trunk of the towing vehicle is a good option.

It is important that your pet cannot jump into the driver’s compartment or be thrown around the vehicle in the event of an accident. This will protect both your pet and the vehicle’s occupants.

In addition, cuddly blankets, favorite toys or snacks can make the journey more pleasant and less stressful for your pet. Dogs should definitely be given regular walks and water breaks.

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What opportunities are there for pets to stay in or around the motorhome when not driving?

Which options are most suitable depends, of course, on the character of the animal and what it is used to at home.

Long leashes or tow lines are ideal for dogs, allowing them to move within a certain radius around the camper or caravan. There are special puppy runs for small dogs, which can also be suitable for cats. However, you should pay attention to the choice of material and the cat’s spirit of discovery: many materials can withstand dog paws in the long term, but not necessarily sharp cat claws.

If your pet is anxious, make sure they have somewhere to retreat to. This could be the option to retreat into the vehicle, a crate, or simply a blanket or bed placed under the vehicle.

Dogs must be kept on a leash at most campsites and parking spaces. It is therefore important to ensure that the dog has a leash that allows them enough space to run around on their own plot, but prevents them from visiting the neighbors. Since cats are currently even less common on campsites, there are hardly any explicit rules for them. However, many cat owners also prefer harnesses and leashes to prevent the cat from getting lost in an unfamiliar place. Other campers are braver and allow them to go outside, especially if they are staying at one site for a longer period of time. Indoor cats usually prefer the safety of the vehicle anyway, or perhaps short exploration tours on a leash.

Can you recommend some dog-friendly and cat-friendly campsites?

When choosing a campsite, you should make sure that pets are really welcome. Some sites allow pets, but are not really set up for them. Dog-friendly sites, on the other hand, offer amenities such as dog showers, dog meadows or dog beaches so that the animals feel just as comfortable as their owners. There are big differences, for example whether you are allowed to walk your dog on the site or whether there are nice walking routes right next to it. Some sites allow dogs, but prefer not to see them on the site.

Some dog-friendly campsites in Germany are:

  • Strandcamping Waging am See: Beautiful walking routes on site and an agility park for dogs.
  • Haumühle Camping: Dogs are more than welcome here and even stay for free.
  • Camping See Achtern Diek: Nice free-running area for dogs.
  • Womopark Norddeich: The site is located on a section of the dike where dogs are allowed.
  • Campsite at Trepplesfelsen: Dog-friendly site with bathing facilities for the four-legged friends.
  • Brändle-Köhne campsite: Dogs are allowed on the beach here.

Particularly cat-friendly places are harder to find – here it is more a matter of finding a place that offers outdoor cats a safe place to run around. You should avoid places directly on main roads. If your cat doesn’t like dogs, it may be a good idea to go to dog-free places where cats are often allowed.

This text comes from an expert from the FOCUS online EXPERTS Circle. Our experts have a high level of specialist knowledge in their subject area and are not part of the editorial team. Find out more.

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