With this 50% discount, this robot vacuum cleaner is the ideal Christmas gift

While it’s time to prepare gifts, Xiaomi offers you the opportunity to please without breaking the bank. Its very good Xiaomi Vacuum E12 robot vacuum cleaner sees its price halved.

What to put under the tree this year? This is the question that is on everyone’s mind at the end of 2023. Even more so in the midst of a period of inflation. Fortunately, it is still possible to give very nice gifts, without ending up broke.

One of the best deals at the moment can be found at Xiaomi. The manufacturer is offering an immediate 50% discount on its Xiaomi Vacuum E12 robot vacuum cleaner. This thus increases to 99 euros instead of 199 euros.

A very good first robot vacuum cleaner

Easy to use and complete, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 is the perfect robot vacuum cleaner for taking your first steps into the world of autonomous cleaning.

Thanks to its two rotating brushes, it is able to collect all the dirt in a single pass, even that lodged against baseboards and in corners. And to do this effectively, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 relies on a suction power of 4,000 Pa, which allows it to dislodge dust hidden between the slats of a parquet floor or in the heart of a long-pile carpet. . Its main rubber brush finally allows you to vacuum up hair and animal hair much better than a simple brush with nylon bristles.

In addition to its performance on dust, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 also washes floors. It includes a mop capable of regulating its water flow according to three levels, and adapts to the type of surface encountered to avoid damaging the floors.

Once your floors are clean, its water and dust bins are easily removed to be emptied and cleaned.

Even its design has been designed to simplify the user’s life. Its 8 cm height allows it to easily pass under a sofa or bed, which avoids having to move the furniture during each cleaning session.

Autonomy as a key word

By relying on its numerous sensors, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 draws up a virtual map of the home, in order to move around and above all avoid obstacles. It is also capable of detecting the steps of a staircase so as not to fall.

In terms of endurance, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 can last 110 minutes before requiring a recharge. More than enough time to clean your entire home from top to bottom.

As autonomous as it is, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 can be controlled remotely using Xiaomi Home. From the application, it is possible to program your trips, establish a schedule or exclude one or more areas from the washing route. Compatible with major assistants like Google Assistant or Alexa, the Xiaomi Vacuum E12 can be integrated into home automation routines and launched by voice command.

A sweet price for Christmas

Until December 17, Xiaomi is making its robot vacuum cleaner extremely affordable, making it the ideal gift for the holidays.

The Xiaomi Vacuum E12 now has a price of 99.99 euros, compared to the usual 199.99 euros. An immediate 50% discount which also has the good taste of being cumulative with Mi-Points. What more ?

And if gift ideas are lacking, Xiaomi France is setting up two additional promotions:

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