Withdrawal next year: Scheuer does not want to return to the Bundestag

Withdrawal next year
Scheuer doesn’t want to go back to the Bundestag

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The long-time CSU general secretary and former Federal Transport Minister Scheuer is apparently turning his back on active politics. He wants to withdraw from the Bundestag next year. The 49-year-old is still keeping quiet about his plans.

Former Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer does not want to run again in the upcoming federal election in 2025. The 49-year-old reportedly announced this yesterday at the CSU’s New Year’s reception in Passau. It is only fair to announce this now, the “Passauer Neue Presse” quotes him as saying. At the upcoming nomination events, the CSU has the opportunity to look for a suitable candidate from the two district associations of Passau-Stadt and Passau-Land.

“I have served for over 20 years and look back on this time with great gratitude. I met a lot of exciting people and did a lot of exciting tasks. That fills me with joy and pride,” he continued. He looks to the future “with incredible joy.” He and his wife had a baby in November. When asked by the newspaper, he did not want to comment on his future plans.

Scheuer has been a member of the Bundestag since 2002. He first entered the Bundestag via the state list and then four times in a row as a directly elected member of the Passau constituency. In Chancellor Angela Merkel’s last cabinet, he was Federal Minister of Transport from March 2018 to December 2021. He was previously Parliamentary State Secretary in the Transport Department from 2009 to 2013 and CSU General Secretary from 2013 to 2048.

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