Without arms: This is how this impressive mother of three copes with her everyday life

Without arms
This is how this impressive mom of three copes with her everyday life

Despite her missing arms, Sarah Talbi does not see herself as impaired.


Sarah Talbi was born without arms – but the now 38-year-old never let that stop her and today lives as an artist in Brussels with her three children.

With three children, most would probably have their hands full. But mom of three, Sarah Talbi, who was born armless, proves her innate disability doesn’t keep her from her parenting responsibilities, quite the opposite!

I can do anything with my feet. Unless I’m wearing shoes.

Without any help, Sarah manages to take care of herself and her children. Add to that Sarah’s career as an artist. In the video we show how the 38-year-old masters her everyday life with all its challenges.

Source used: stern.de; instagram.de


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