Without budgetary control, France risks a situation like Greece, says Larcher

President LR of the Senate Gérard Larcher estimated that France risked experiencing “a situation like Greece” if it did not control its public spending, in an interview with La tribune published on Thursday.

“Hardly a day goes by without the President of the Republic announcing new expenditure. Savings are unfortunately rarer,” said Mr Larcher.

In particular on the 2 billion euros in tax cuts by 2027 promised on Monday, “I wonder about the financing of such a measure”, he added.

Believing that “yes”, Emmanuel Macron is the most spendthrift president of the Fifth Republic, the president of the Senate regretted an increase in public spending of 240 billion during the first five years, and of 220 billion planned for the next five years.

“The trend is twice as fast as under François Hollande. We have to come back to reason,” he said.

On this subject “the request of the Senate is clear: we must control public spending, otherwise we risk experiencing a situation like Greece”, which had experienced a serious crisis at the turn of the 2010s, assured Mr. Larcher.

Affirming that “in the current state, we will not vote on the public finance programming bill”, he claimed “a clear, ambitious and credible trajectory for reducing the public deficit”.

But according to him “the first reform that Emmanuel Macron must accomplish is to change his way of governing”.

“We are not experiencing an institutional crisis but a political crisis” linked “of course to the absence of a majority in the National Assembly” but also “to the mode of governance of the head of state and his verticality”, he said. estimate

While the LR elected officials are preparing to submit two bills on immigration next week, Mr. Larcher estimated that on this subject “all the signals are red. We can’t wait any longer, our reception capacities are saturated”.

“The President of the Republic knows it. The ball is in his court”, he added, assuring that “there is no question for the Republicans of regularizing in the name of the employment of immigrants who have entered irregularly.

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