Without make-up: Stars without make-up | GALA.de

Stars without makeup? Granted, we rarely see the natural beauty of our celebrities. Flawlessly beautiful and always perfectly styled – that’s how we know our stars. Our stars don’t have to hide without make-up, because they can be seen even without make-up. And of course we know that they, too, are only human and don’t look like peeled off an egg when you get up in the morning.

Stars without make-up thanks to Instagram and Co.

In the past, we could only catch a glimpse of the celebrities without make-up thanks to paparazzi snapshots. Today, more and more celebrity ladies are voluntarily exposing themselves and showing themselves completely without make-up on Instagram and Co. Thanks to trends such as #NoMakeup-Selfie or #Wakeupcall, in which the stars are photographed without make-up in bed immediately after waking up, we know how the stars without make-up -up and hours look in the mask. Of course, we don’t know whether all of this is always true or whether our celebrities whisper without make-up.

Dear stars, you can also do without make-up

But honestly? Which woman puts on make-up when she goes to sport? Or just want to run a few errands or take your kids to school? Our stars are just completely normal people who, unlike us normal people, are under constant observation. It is only wise to post the unvarnished truth yourself instead of being besieged by intrusive photographers. So ladies, no more trickery. Dare! More courage for natural beauty.
