Without warning: Stromio stops deliveries of electricity – n-tv.de

Without warning
Stromio stops deliveries of electricity

Once again, an electricity provider suddenly stopped delivering. Many thousands of customers are affected. The current flows anyway.

Customers of the electricity discounter Stromio have not been supplied by the company since Wednesday. As Stromio GmbH announced on its homepage, all electricity supply contracts for the brands “Stromio” and “Grünwelt Energie” were terminated at the end of December 21st. The reason given by the electricity provider was a “historically unique price development in the electricity market”. For a few weeks now, one has been confronted with an unprecedented price explosion at the European energy trading centers, it said in the letter. The events and their consequences could not have been foreseen. The company from the Rhenish town of Kaarst informed the dpa in writing that it was not insolvent. Industry experts assume that several hundred thousand customers will be affected by the termination by Stromio.

However, consumers do not have to fear a power outage. In such cases, there is no interruption in supply, as the consumer advice center emphasized. The local basic supplier initially takes over the supply of electricity as a so-called replacement supply. The basic supplier is always the company that supplies most of the customers in a certain network area. Mostly these are the municipal utilities.

Stromio announced that it wanted to handle the customer relationship “properly”. “So we will pay you the credit you are entitled to as part of the final billing as well as (pro rata) new customer bonuses,” it said. The final invoice should come within six weeks. The company asked customers to write down the meter reading immediately and notify it to the network operator.

At the beginning of December, a sister company of Stromio, which had sold gas under the brands gas.de and Grünwelt, stopped delivering gas to household customers. The company had also given an “unprecedented price explosion on European energy trading centers” as the reason.

High purchase prices

The four transmission system operators (TSOs) responsible for the stability of the electricity network had previously terminated their contracts with Stromio at short notice. This is done if, for example, an electricity provider no longer delivers as much electricity as it should deliver. The reason for this could, for example, be the currently high purchase prices in wholesaling, provided the provider has not concluded long-term electricity supply contracts.

According to the Federal Network Agency, 38 energy suppliers (excluding Stromio) have reported the end of the supply in the current year. Twelve of them have already stopped their deliveries, including Neckermann Strom just recently, which claims to have declared bankruptcy. For the rest, deliveries are scheduled to end on December 31, 2021. Of the 38 companies, 6 supplied electricity and gas, 28 only electricity and 4 only gas.

In the previous five years, a total of 97 energy suppliers notified the Federal Network Agency of the termination of the supply, most (74) in 2017. In 2020, 2019 and 2018 there were five each. Conversely, a total of 471 energy suppliers have reported the start of deliveries to the authority since 2016.

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