Without yeast: 3-ingredient rolls to bake yourself – video

Without yeast, low-carb – and fresh and crispy on your table in just a few minutes: In the video you can see how easy it is to bake these 3-ingredient rolls at home!

Fancy a roll but not yeast?

Even if the situation seems to relax a bit: When it comes to yeast, there are still very large regional differences in Germany – and unfortunately the majority still looks at the gap on the shelf where yeast should otherwise be found when shopping. But bun fans don't have to give up: This recipe doesn't need yeast. It works with just three ingredients, is ready in a flash – and even a real low-carb treat.

Ingredients: All good things come in threes

Everything you need for these delicious rolls is actually only

  1. 1 cup of Greek yogurt
  2. About 200g of flour
  3. 2 teaspoons of baking soda

If "about 200g" is too spongy for you in terms of quantity: Don't worry, this recipe is so well thought out when measuring that you really can't go wrong!

Step 1

You preheat your oven to 200 °.

step 2

You take the yoghurt cup and pour it completely into a bowl. But don't throw the cup away – it's still needed!

step 3

You fill the empty yogurt cup again with flour – to the brim, so that it is completely full.

Step 4

Now add the 2 teaspoons of baking powder to the flour. If you want, you can also add a pinch of salt – tastes good, but is not absolutely necessary (and is cheated with the promise of "only three ingredients").

Step 5

Now mix the flour and baking powder with a spoon. If you are skilled, you can do it directly in the yoghurt cup, otherwise it is easier (and cleaner) in an extra bowl.

Step 6

Now you tip the flour and baking powder mixture into the yoghurt and knead everything into a firm dough. This works with a dough hook mixer, but also with a spoon or simply by hand. If the dough is still very moist and sticky, you can add a little more flour until a good consistency is achieved.

Step 7

Now you process the dough into three to four small rolls – the best way to do this is with a lot of flour on a mat and on your hands. Now you put the rolls on a baking sheet.

Step 8

Now you bake the rolls for about 20 minutes until they are golden brown and crispy.

Step 9

It is best to eat straight away when they come out of the oven – this is how the rolls taste best. Good Appetite!
