Wolf moon on January 28th: ​​3 zodiac signs that are winged – video

3 zodiac signs from the wolf moon on January 28th be inspired

The wolf moon is the first full moon of the new year and stands for a new beginning.


The January full moon on January 28th is also known as the wolf moon. His influence ensures that three zodiac signs in particular draw new strength.

While it is known to us as the January full moon, the indigenous peoples of North America gave the annual full moon at this time the mystical name "wolf moon." This has always been of great importance for people, because it is known for releasing energies – and we still benefit from it today.

Wolf moon energies that give us wings

The first full moon of the year stands for a new beginning. The wolf moon provides us with the cosmic energies and creative inspiration to plunge into the new year full of energy.

Source used: Own research
