Woman kills her sister after discovering messages for her boyfriend in VALORANT

It’s a drama that played out in America, in Orlando, Florida. US media and police say authorities were called to a crime scene this September 26, by Fatiha M., 21, who then confessed to having stabbed her sister Sayma, 20, to death three times in the heart. The crime took place in the middle of the night when the rest of the family was asleep. The reason for this act? The young woman suspected her sister of flirting with her boyfriend through the VALORANT game.

The premeditation was retained by collecting the testimony of the killer, since the latter, who contacted the police 15 hours after the tragedy, had bought a knife with the intention of committing the irreparable. According to witnesses, Fatiha had been in a long-distance relationship with a young man for five years and had discovered messages in his sister’s chat with her boyfriend, the latter having confessed his feelings to the young victim.

According to the police report, the two sisters had a fight that night when Fatiha told her she knew about the relationship. She then waited until she was asleep to kill her. Firefighters arrived far too late to resuscitate her. Fatiha is in custody in Orange County and faces one count of first-degree murder, a possible sentence ranging from life in prison to the death penalty depending on the state.

Let’s hope that this drama does not allow the media to consider again that video games are harmful to players…

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