women are passionate about the empire dress

The Bridgertons Chronicle is THE Netflix series everyone is talking about right now! The spectators were won over by the characters, the scenario but also the period costumes. Since its release, interest in empire dresses has completely taken off.

Romance, scandals, sex… The Bridgertons Chronicle fascinates the whole world! Adapted from the novels of American author Julia Quinn, the Netlfix series has indeed achieved the fifth best launch for an original series since the creation of the platform. Since the first season aired, viewers have all been won over by the characters (well ok, we fell in love with the Duke of Hastings above all), the script, but also the period costumes. Ellen Mirojnick, costume designer of the series, has also imagined the outfits with a specific intention.

" Our intention was to do the exact opposite of Jane Austen, the costumes had to have a dimension of madness of grandeur.», She tells the Hollywood Reporter. To make these period costumes a little more modern, Ellen Mirojnick drew inspiration from a very recent Chanel show, but also from the work of Christian Dior. “There was also a cut of a Dior dress from the late 1940s that I saw at the Victoria and Albert Museum, which was sublime, and of which I used an element,” she continues.

The empire dress, flagship piece of the series

So it will not have escaped you, all the actresses in the series wear empire dresses. The empire dress is named after Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais, the wife of Napoleon I, who only wore dresses in this style. This is recognizable by a very short bodice that stops below the bust to give the impression of a very high waist. It is a cut that enhances and highlights the bust.

Research for empire dresses is taking off

As a result, since the series launched on December 25, interest in empire dresses has completely taken off. According to the research platformStylight, searches for empire dresses have indeed increased by 150%. And other styles in the series are also particularly popular at the moment, such as Mary Janes shoes with + 36% clicks, velvet dresses with + 69% clicks or even babydoll dresses with + 63% clicks. And you, have you also cracked?

What is "holidating", this love trend inspired by a Netflix movie?

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Video by Sarah polak

Helena Ergisi

Lifestyle journalist passionate about fashion, Helena keeps you informed of the latest trends that are buzzing on the Web and will be happy to share her many tips with you. Don't miss its …