women finally dare to speak cash

By Catherine Rollot

Posted today at 01:21

In the middle of the workshop on real estate investing, Brad Pitt landed in the conversation and took for his rank. “Brad, he’s divorced, plus I’m sure he’s super stingy. Handsome, but stingy. » Laughter shared by interposed screens.

It’s a weekday, aperitif time. Relaxed atmosphere. They are twelve, eleven women and one man, to have sacrificed dinner, Netflix evening or cocooning to acquire a base of financial culture. Here, no recipes in ten lessons to become rich, nor miracle investment promises, nor even the sale of financial products, but a ten-hour pack (two hours of online training over five weeks) where we talk about money “seriously but with a zest of lightness”. An agora where we insist on the need to get started “when his profile can be financed by a bank” rather than waiting to have met an improbable prince charming (Brad Pitt or another), found the job of his dreams or perceived the inheritance of an uncle from America.

In a friendly and playful tone, Héloïse Bolle, founder of the firm Oseille & compagnie, and presenter of the day, has been distilling the fundamentals of finance and investment since 2018, in group training, individual consultation and through the newsletter. monthly “Take the sorrel”. We talk about real estate, budget, savings, taxation, but also stock market or money in the couple, simply and without taboo.

“Below a certain level of wealth, you can only be advised by your bank, which promotes its own products, explains the former economic journalist converted into the profession of heritage advisor, and who does not receive any commission from a banking establishment or a broker. My initial idea was to accompany a public with average incomes and a small capital, individuals not wealthy enough to interest heritage advisers and who, in any case, would not have dared to contact them. Quickly, I realized that my clientele was 85% female. »

A “very intimate” subject

Single or in a couple, mostly in their thirties and forties, these women appreciate the pedagogical and guilt-free interlocutor, who does not look down on them. In short, someone who looks like them, but more savvy in interest rates and life insurance.

“I was looking for reassurance and tranquility before embarking on a real estate project that I had already marked out”testifies Frédérique (some people requested anonymity), 40 years old, from Grenoble by adoption, who consulted Héloïse Bolle individually. “I am remarried, but it was the first time that I embarked alone on the purchase of a property, continues this digital marketing specialist. I needed to feel free to ask all the questions, without the fear of being judged and in complete confidence, because being able to talk about money is both vital and extremely difficult, because it is very intimate. »

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