Women’s Beauty Awards 2024: how does it work? : Current Woman Le MAG

The Femme Actuelle Women’s Beauty Prize is an event during which volunteers are selected to test a box of beauty products and rate them on all aspects, namely the smell, the capacity, the price and even the quality. response to the product promise. The year 2024 will be marked by the 10th edition of the Beauty Prize! How does the testing phase and the award ceremony take place?

Who can test beauty products as part of the Beauty Prize?

Each box of beauty products is tested by nearly 1,000 testers, selected by the editorial staff of Femme Actuelle from among those who responded to a call for applications and who correspond to the profile of the products to be tested in the box. These are composed of serums, anti-aging treatments, eye contours and even body treatments. Recruitment of testers will begin on January 8.

Beauty Awards: what are the different stages?

The Women’s Beauty Prize takes place in several phases. Here are the different steps:

  • The registration phase to participate, which takes place from January 8 to 21
  • The preselections, which take place from January 22
  • The selection of testers, which takes place no later than January 26
  • Receipt of boxes, from February 12
  • Product rating, which takes place from February 12 to March 17
  • The awards ceremony, which takes place on June 20
  • The reveal of the prize list, which takes place on June 24.

Testers receive full-size beauty products and test them in real conditions, in the privacy of their bathroom, for nearly six weeks depending on the type of product.

How do testers rate products?

Volunteers who test the products rate each one by answering different questions and criteria. There are seven criteria in total, namely:

  • packaging;
  • utilisation facility ;
  • the smell ;
  • the texture ;
  • the effectiveness of the product;
  • the response to the promise;
  • value for money.

The objective of the testers? Say if they would recommend the product and if they would buy it again. The latter also write a summary of their opinion on the product in question, in order to specify what they liked, what they liked less and what possible improvements could be made. A process that they must apply for each of the products present in the box received, the goal being to determine which one they prefer in each category.

How are the winning products chosen?

Each product competes in a category within a box. To be a winner, it must receive the preference of the testers, that is to say it must have the highest score in the product category to which it belongs. Regarding products in the category “Favorites”it is the editorial staff of Femme Actuelle who gives it to the most relevant product in each box.

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