Women’s bikini line hair removal: here are several unstoppable tips to reduce pain: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Hair removal is rarely fun. You may have probably already noticed, but the pain associated with hair removal varies depending on the area being waxed. Thus, certain so-called more sensitive parts of the body, such as the bikini line, are sometimes more difficult to remove hair than others. During an interview with Femme Actuelle, Valérie Mercier, beautician, revealed her tips for reducing pain as much as possible so that this moment goes as smoothly as possible.

Full swimsuit, lips…Is that hair removal from the bikini line or pubis it hurts ?

The bikini line is a very sensitive area and hair removal can be torture for some. On this part of the body, the epidermis is thinner and delicate and the risks of developing ingrown hairs are more frequent. Unlike the arms or legs, the bikini area is one of the most difficult regions to remove hair due to pain, like the armpits or the intergluteal fold.

How not to be in pain during waxing bikini line hair in an institute or alone at home? Pain-relieving tips from a beautician

Hair removal at the right time

Avoid hair removal if you have your period or if you are tired“, explains Valérie Mercier, beautician. “These are periods when the body is more sensitive to pain“. Removing hair at a different time therefore reduces the vulnerability of the skin. This advice is valid for the removal of bikini line hair as for all other areas.

Use ice cubes

The cold is known for its anesthetic properties, so before starting hair removal, pass an ice cube over the area to be treated in order to desensitize it. You can also put several ice cubes in a washcloth for added convenience. “However, this method is not recommended for hair removal with hot wax because the temperature difference between the two products can cause burns.“, raises awareness of Valérie Mercier.

Apply talcum powder

Talc thickens the hair and makes it more adherent, an effective solution for waxing.“, specifies the beautician. This technique also helps minimize redness and the feeling of tightness of the skin while limiting the appearance of spots during bikini waxing. Test and see for yourself the before/ After !

Do not drink coffee or alcohol

We apologize in advance to all the caffeine addicts but, unfortunately, on hair removal days we favor decaffeinated drinks because the stimulants present in coffee increase sensitivity. The same goes for alcohol which absorbs moisture from the skin. The blood is also more fluid, the network of blood vessels present at the root of the hair is better irrigated, which makes the pain more perceptible when the hair is pulled out. So, we simply say yes to water.

Apply an anesthetic cream or take an anti-inflammatory

For extreme sensitivity, extreme remedy: anesthetic creams. Some are available without a prescription, but it is best to seek the advice of a specialist. “I rather advise my clients to take an anti-inflammatory, 30 minutes before the session, which is preferable in particular for waxing, this avoids leaving a greasy substance which could make hair extraction more complex.“, argues Valérie Mercier.

Apply pressure to the skin

It’s the ba-ba of all beauty schools and for good reason, it’s simple but effective. On the face, whether it is waxing, tweezing or threading, as soon as the hairs are removed we advise you to press hard enough on the area in question. “The pressure exerted helps soothe the skin“, specifies the young woman.

Do not expose yourself to the sun before

24 hours before, you must avoid exposure to UV rays because they attack the skin and make it more sensitive.“, assures Valérie Mercier. Exposure after hair removal is also not recommended because the hair follicle will not have time to close properly and you will end up with skin dotted with red dots.

Use a razor over wax

Some hair removal techniques are more painful than others. So, if you can’t stand the pain, you can always opt for gentler methods like hair removal cream or razor. For the first option, remember to follow the instructions carefully. As for the second, the risk of developing an ingrown hair when shaving is higher.

Wax, razor… How to properly wax your bikini line alone?

No time or means to go to an institute to wax your bikini line? Although tedious, this part of the body can be shaved alone at home. To do this, simply bring a razor, depilatory cream, an electric epilator (not recommended for those most sensitive to pain) or hot or cold wax. For the last option, remember to always apply the wax in the direction of hair growth and remove it in the opposite direction. It’s better to start from the outside of the jersey and finish from the inside.

To avoid navigating blindly, you can always use a mirror to have a better view of the area and your movements. position it facing the area to be treated and position yourself so as to clear the area. Do not hesitate to spread the area using your fingers and avoid creases. The more the latter is pulled, the easier the hair removal will be. Also, a candle and music are highly recommended to relax the atmosphere…

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