Words make people: These 6 words make you seem older than you are

Words make people
These 6 words will make you seem older than you are

Out of habit you say it over and over again, this one word that always raises question marks on the other person’s face.

“Groovy” or “bomb” are no longer common expressions these days; anyone who uses them often gets confused looks. In the video we show which words can make you seem even older than you are.

Do you know that situation when you’re happily talking about nothing earth-shattering and you’re looked at in confusion? The people you are surrounded by look questioning and even pitying. Until they come out with the language:

“What did you just say?”, or “What is XY supposed to mean?”

Oh no, you’re wondering if it’s really that time now, are you now a scrap? We’ll show you which words can quickly make you appear older than you actually are.

Source used: yahoo.com


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