work stoppage conditions in confinement

/ Society / Practical life / What are the different conditions for stopping work during confinement?

With the containment measures, many are unable to go to work for at least 15 days. How does this translate concretely?

It started with the closing of schools in some departments. Parents who had to stay to look after their children were able to arrange working time. Some, such as single mothers and parents of children under the age of 16 who were placed in quarantine, were able to benefit from daily allowances paid for by Health Insurance when there were no other possibilities for childcare. their children than staying at home, without being able to telecommute.
This system concerns parents of children under the age of 16 on the day the arrest begins, as well as parents of children with disabilities with no age limit. The judgment can be issued for a period of 1 to 14 days. Only one parent at a time (or holder of parental authority) may be issued a work stoppage. It is possible to split the judgment or share it between the parents over the period of closure of the establishment. If the need continues beyond 14 days, the employer may repeat the process in the same way.
All steps must be taken with the company's human resources at the initiative of the employee. The tool to carry out these procedures is the "site of the Health Insurance. Once the declarations have been completed, an audit is launched by the social security funds concerned.

Video by Juliette Le Peillet

Partial unemployment possibilities: employers must apply

The situation is now widespread. Indeed, the government has announced the establishment of partial unemployment measures, which make it possible to reduce the working time of employees or to close the premises of a company temporarily, while ensuring that they pay a minimum wage.
To set up partial unemployment, companies must submit a file to the Ministry of Labor. It is therefore not the employee who can decide on this measure. People who have the ability to telecommute cannot benefit from it. Unfortunately, the self-employed cannot benefit from it either, since they are not employees.
Finally, what about people employed at home? Indeed, confinement also concerns people who do housework with private individuals, who look after children. Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud was reassuring on this point: "We are going to set up a similar system to partial unemployment. Childminders and homeworkers will be entitled to a similar system to partial unemployment", announced the Minister of Labor. "if a cleaning lady can no longer insure her contract, she will receive 80% of her salary without going to work," she said. The sums will be advanced by the employer who will be reimbursed in full via the Universal Service Employment Check.

by Mathilde Wattecamps