Workout: With 7 exercises you will get fit in four weeks

Only 10 minutes a day!
With these 7 exercises you will get fit in four weeks

© daniromphoto / Shutterstock

Go to the gym twice a week? That is not always feasible in everyday life. But with these 7 exercises you will get fit in just four weeks!

Are you short on time, but would like to have a firmer body and defined muscles? No problem! We have 7 simple exercises for you that will only take up ten minutes of your time every day and help you get fitter in just four weeks. All you need is your own body weight and a medicine ball.

Your whole body workout

First of all, we will introduce you to the 7 exercises and explain how to do them correctly:

1st plank

Granted, the plank is strenuous, but it uses different muscle groups in the body (especially arms and stomach) and you can achieve a lot with her in a very short time. This is how it works:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach.
  2. Then use your forearms and toes to push yourself up off the floor. Make sure that your body forms a straight line and that you do not slip into your hollow back.
  3. Hold the position as long as you can and then lower yourself back down.

PS: The normal plank is too boring for you? Then try these 3 plank variations that will tone your stomach!

2. Pushups

The pushups are also a real classic,when it comes to a fast and effective workout for the arms and torso goes. Here’s how to do it right:

  1. Start in the same position as for the plank – so support yourself with your forearms and toes off the ground. Again, make sure that your back stays straight.
  2. Now stretch your arms out, your hands should be a little more than shoulder width apart.
  3. Take a deep breath and bend your arms so that your upper body is straight down. Keep your elbows drawn and do not move away from your body.
  4. Exhale and use the strength of your arms to push yourself back up.
  5. Repeat as often as you can.

Beginners: inside can also do the slightly easier version of push-ups, by pressing your knees against the floor instead of your toes. The lower legs and feet point in the air.

3. Squats

Squats are as simple as they are effective for doing something for your buttocks and thighs. This is how they are carried out:

  1. Stand hip-width apart with your toes pointing straight ahead.
  2. Extend your arms forward and slowly bend your knees.
  3. Make sure your back stays straight and your knees are parallel to your toes.
  4. Go down as low as you can, ideally your thighs should be parallel to the floor as if you were about to sit in a chair.
  5. Hold the position for a moment and then come back up by forcefully pushing yourself off the floor with your feet.
  6. Repeat the exercise.

4. Donkey kick

This exercise with the somewhat strange name is also great for the buttocks and legs. How to do it correctly:

  1. Get into the quadruped position. Your hands should be straight under your shoulders.
  2. Now lift one leg back at an angle and move your foot towards the ceiling as if you wanted to step upwards. Make sure that your hips and back are in a straight line.
  3. Lower the leg back down without it completely touching the ground.
  4. Then step up again with your knees bent.
  5. Repeat the exercise several times on both sides.

5. Dead beetle

Time for another exercise for your stomach! This is how the dead beetle works:

  1. Lie on your back and keep both legs in the air at a 90-degree angle. The tips of the feet point towards the ceiling.
  2. Now stretch your right arm over your head and your right leg forward so that both form a straight line. However, your arm and leg should not touch the ground.
  3. Come back to the starting position and repeat the exercise with your left arm and left leg.
  4. You should do this exercise several times on each side.

6. Downward facing dog with uplift

The looking down dog is one classic yoga exercise that can be slightly modified but can do a lot for the muscles in your arms and legs. How to do the exercise correctly:

  1. First get into the actual downward facing dog: The arms are in front of the body and are stretched, while you support yourself with your hands on the floor.
  2. The legs are also straight, that is, the entire weight of the body rests on the feet and hands and your body forms an inverted V.
  3. Now stretch one leg back and up so that it forms a straight line with your back and hands.
  4. Then push yourself forward into the plank position and slowly pull the outstretched leg forward at a 90-degree angle towards your chest. If possible, bend your back so that you can touch the knee with the tip of your chin.
  5. Release the position by moving your leg backwards and lowering it, you are standing in the downward facing dog again.
  6. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

7. Ball spin

Finally follows an exercise for the thighs and arms! You will need a small medicine ball to spin the ball. This is how the exercise works:

  1. Stand in front of a wall with your legs hip-width apart.
  2. Bend slightly and press your back against the wall for better support. Hold the medicine ball in front of you with your arms outstretched.
  3. Tense your stomach and swing your outstretched arms with the ball from left to right as far as you can – ideally you can almost touch the wall on the left and right with your hands. Keep your back leaning against the wall.
  4. Swing left and right several times.

Your fitness plan for four weeks

Now that you know the exercises, you can really challenge your body in just four weeks with an appropriate plan. For beginners, however, this could be a bit too hard – they should try to do each exercise in the workout for half as long at the beginning and then gradually increase. Advanced and experts, on the other hand, stick to this ten-minute power plan as much as possible:

1 week

Do all the exercises of the first week in the following length:

  • 2 minutes plank
  • 1 minute push-ups
  • 1 minute donkey kicks
  • 1 minute dead beetle
  • 1 minute squats
  • 1 minute ball spin
  • 2 minutes downward facing dog with uplift

Take a ten-second break between the exercises.

2 weeks

In the second week you do the exercises in two different sets, between which you alternate daily:

Set 1

You perform each exercise for three minutes, with a 15-second break in between:

  • plank
  • Dead beetle
  • Donkey kicks
  • Downward looking dog with uplift

Set 2

With this set, too, you perform each exercise for three minutes and take a 15-second break in between:

  • Ball rotation
  • plank
  • pushups
  • Squats

In week three you repeat the plan from week one and in week four you repeat the two sets from week two.

With this workout plan you can train your entire body in no time. It is admittedly not that easy, but you will see the first results in just a few weeks. But keep in mind that your muscles can get used to stress quickly and that you will probably have to vary the different sets over time and do them for longer. For healthy and long-term muscle building, it is best to get support from a trainer: in.
