World Cup playoffs against Portugal – Swiss handball players with their backs to the wall after the first leg – Sport

World Cup playoffs against Portugal – Swiss handball players with their backs to the wall after the first leg – Sport – SRF

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Michael Suter’s team clearly loses the World Cup playoff first leg in Portugal with 26:33.


One step too late

The Swiss had to go through against Portugal.

Keystone/EPA Lusa/Hugo Delgado

Reaching the 2023 World Cup finals in Sweden and Poland is a long way off for the Swiss handball players. In the first leg of the playoff duel against Portugal, they suffered a clear 26:33 defeat away in Guimaraes. So the Swiss need a little miracle in the second leg on Sunday in Winterthur (live on SRF).

Portugal clearly dominating the game

The hosts set the tone from the start and were able to pull away early on. However, Michael Suter’s team showed morale and stayed in close contact with the favorites for the first half hour. The 12:15 break result gave hope for the rest of the game.

But the Portuguese showed impressively after the half-time break that they are the stronger team. They caught up on what they had missed and temporarily distanced the Swiss by 8 goals. In the end, Portugal was able to look forward to an ultimately safe victory. The best pitcher in the Swiss team was Lenny Rubin with 7 goals.

second leg on Sunday

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The second leg against Portugal takes place on Sunday (2:20 p.m. live on SRF Zwei). If Switzerland survives this 1st round of the playoffs, they will meet the Netherlands in the 2nd round (during the Easter week between April 13th and 17th). If Michael Suter’s team also wins this duel, they will qualify for the World Cup in January 2023 in Poland and Sweden.

SRF two, sportlive, 03/17/22, 7:50 p.m.;

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