World No Tobacco Day 2022: With these apps you can quit

World No Tobacco Day 2022
With these apps it works with quitting

The following apps can support ex-smokers.

© Simikov/

It is often anything but easy for smokers to put the cigarette aside. Apps can motivate you to quit.

Every smoker actually knows the dangers, but for many it is extremely difficult to finally give up the cigarette. According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), around 127,000 people still die every year in Germany as a result of tobacco consumption.

“Far too many people are still dying in Germany as a result of smoking. The environment also suffers from the pollutants – from toxic waste, drinking water pollution to passive smoke pollution,” explains Burkhard Blienert (56) in a press release.

As part of the World No Tobacco Day 2022, which takes place on May 31, the Federal Government Commissioner for Addiction and Drug Issues explained: “Tobacco not only damages your own health, but also the health of children or partners who live in smoking households. So who one If you want to make an active, valuable contribution to yourself and your environment, stop smoking!”

Incidentally, the BZgA does not believe in switching to e-cigarettes or tobacco heaters, since consumption is also associated with health risks and studies have not confirmed an effect on smoking cessation. Meanwhile, smartphone apps can help you quit. Here is a selection of three helpers (each for iOS and Android) that are intended to motivate.

“quit now”

With “quit now” users always have numerous statistics in view. Once a user has entered data – such as the time when he stopped or how many cigarettes he previously smoked a day – the app counts. It shows, for example, how many days have passed since quitting, how much money the user has saved or how their own health is gradually improving. There is also access to a community, for example – and achievements that a user unlocks when he has reached a certain intermediate goal.

The “QuitNow” app is basically free of charge, but has limited functionality. Anyone who pays monthly or annually for the Pro version gets, among other things, further achievements, can plan their own goals and switches off the integrated advertising.


At the competitor “Kvit” First of all, users indicate, among other things, whether they have already given up cigarettes or would like to quit gradually. Here, too, users can sometimes see how many cigarettes and how much money they have saved over time. They can track their goals, gradually increase in level like in a video game and check in a diary when, for example, the desire for the fag was particularly strong for the last time.

“Kwit” is also free in its basic version. However, the full range of functions is only available with a monthly or annual subscription. Users can also use it to monitor the use of e-cigarettes or nicotine patches.


The all-rounder among apps for addictions and bad habits is “Quitzilla”, because the program is not limited to cigarettes. Users can call up statistics on a wide variety of addictions, including not only smoking, but also behavior when watching television and playing video games or dealing with alcohol, sugar or coffee.

Like the other two apps, “Quitzilla” is basically free. However, a monthly or annual subscription is also required for the entire scope. Then it is possible, for example, to record more than just two categories at the same time.


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