“Would put us in a dilemma”: Pistorius warns of an arrest warrant against Netanyahu

“Would put us in a dilemma”
Pistorius warns of arrest warrant against Netanyahu

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It is still uncertain whether the International Criminal Court will actually issue an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Defense Minister Pistorius shows little understanding for the chief prosecutor’s request. The Hague’s actions are throwing the federal government into a dilemma.

Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has criticized the request of the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, for arrest warrants against Israel’s government leaders. At the same time, Khan had also applied for arrest warrants against the Hamas leadership. “To be honest, I don’t really understand that two such disparate issues are being put together in one file,” said the SPD politician during a visit to Lithuania.

“This is a decision that we have to respect. However, I don’t think its effect is appropriate,” Pistorius continued. On Monday, Khan applied for arrest warrants for alleged crimes against humanity against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joav Galant. Arrest warrants were also requested for the leader of the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, his deputy and Hamas’s foreign chief.

At the same time, Pistorius emphasized: “So far we have been talking about applying for arrest warrants and not about issuing them.” He is therefore holding back from speculating on how the federal government would react and deal with it. “I think it is obvious that this would put us in a real dilemma,” said the minister.

Difficult initiative for Patriots for Ukraine

Pistorius previously visited Latvia and called on other allies to supply anti-aircraft systems to Russia-attacked Ukraine. “All our partners who can provide Patriot systems or similar systems should do so as quickly as possible, as this is critical to the further development of the war and, in particular, to the country’s morale, security and infrastructure,” said the SPD politician.

In view of ever new Russian attacks on the city of Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky recently asked the international community for two Patriot anti-aircraft systems to protect the population living there. Ukraine has been defending itself against a Russian war of aggression for two years and is largely dependent on Western support for military equipment.

Germany had previously launched an initiative to quickly deliver air defense systems to Ukraine. Attempts to procure Patriots from partner countries in Europe or overseas have not yet been successful. “Germany has provided Ukraine with 25 percent of our Patriot capabilities – more than any other country in the world,” said Pistorius. Asked why he thought other countries were so hesitant, Pistorius said: “I have no idea.”

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