Would you be ready, like Elon Musk, to ditch your 06 in favor of applications to make your calls?

Nathan Le Gohlisse

Hardware Specialist

February 12, 2024 at 6:35 p.m.


elon musk ia © Midjourney for Clubic.com

Midjourney for Clubic.com

Ditch your phone number, “traditional” phone calls, or even sending SMS messages, in favor of a single application. This is what Elon Musk promised to do… who would only use the functionalities of X.com in place.

After having deployed voice and video calling functions on X.com (to Premium subscribers), Elon Musk is now trying to promote them more widely. And to do this, what could be better than giving of yourself?

Elon Musk will soon no longer have a phone number

On his social network, the businessman has in fact promised to purely and simply abandon his telephone number, and the traditional functions that go with it, to only use X.com (formerly Twitter) as a mode. Communication.

In a few months I will delete my phone number and only use X.com for text messages and audio/video calls », he indicated on the platform on February 9. A promise that is in line with a long-term project of the billionaire: making X.com a “Super App” similar to WeChat, a real all-purpose application in China.

X.com or nothing?

As pointed out BFMTech, Elon Musk has often expressed his admiration for WeChat and its concept. It must be said that in China, the service brings together many central functions in the daily life of a majority of the Chinese population. It is estimated that nearly a billion people use the application out of a population of 1.4 billion.

voice message phone © © Jester-Flim / Shutterstock

An 06? But to ultimately do what? © Jester-Flim / Shutterstock

A colossal success which gives ideas to many Western entrepreneurs. WeChat has the particularity of bringing together communication and information services, but the platform also allows payments to be made. A field that is no stranger to Elon Musk, co-founder… of a certain PayPal.

The best instant messengers to stay connected and exchange in 2024!

Who has never used instant messaging instead of the very famous SMS? There is no doubt, communicating with loved ones quickly and in just a few clicks, instant messaging has become very popular, even essential.
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Source : BFMTech

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