WoW Dragonflight: Blizzard makes a major decision… But not enough!

With the upcoming deployment of the Dragonflight extension to World of Warcraft, Blizzard is working hard to offer real new features on its flagship MMORPG. Among the most recent, there is in particular a significant change in the time of weekly reset of the contents in Europe, a major element long requested by the European players.

WoW Weekly Reset Time Change

The news will have been able to be very discreet despite the rather substantial changes it implies. It’s in a statement posted on the European World of Warcraft forums that Kaivax, one of the Community Managers, indeed revealed that weekly reset time will change for European players starting with the PrePatch Phase 2 rollouton Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

From this date and permanently, the weekly reset will thus take place every Wednesday at 05:00 (Paris time) instead of 08:00. This change is intended to, in the words of the Community Manager, “allow more appropriate alignment of when end-game content resets each week“.

The “weekly reset” is what is commonly called the “weekly reset”this phenomenon which takes place once a week on World of Warcraft, every Wednesday morning. During long scheduled at 08:00 every Wednesdayit will be so three-hour advance from Wednesday, November 16, 2022. From this date, all dungeons, raids, but also daily and weekly quests and generally all content locked on a weekly basis will be reset from 05:00 (Paris time).

A timid position from Blizzard?

Whether Ion Hazzikostas and his developers have long tried to circumvent the problem, it is clear that the development team of WoW seems to have chosen to change the way of deploying content in World of Warcraft. For a long time now, it is common for major updates to be deployed 16 hours early in North Americaand much more about Asian kingdoms.

This difference, long ignored by players, has been rather recently highlighted by the Race to World First in particular, sinceit allows American guilds to start the new content of each update ten hours in advance on their European counterparts. It was also worth some major controversies at Blizzard, especially during the Sanctum of Domination racethe second Shadowlands raid, the editor having been wrongly accused of favoring American guilds.

At the Sanctum of Domination, Blizzard suffered a massive wave of protest

From now on, the gap between the two regions in terms of content deployment is now “only” 13 hours. A welcome change, but who remains shy and insufficient in the eyes of the fans of this race for progress. A good thing, yes, but these players expect more, since some already believe that if Blizzard can make such a change, then you might as well get to the bottom of it !

Finally, it is also the opportunity for some of the European players to raise another problem that we have all met one day or another regarding the deployment of extensions. Because if they are published in the middle of the afternoon, around 4:00 p.m. (PDT), in North America, Europeans only have access from midnight (Paris time), preventing many from touching it until the next day. Some players are therefore also calling for a change in the deployment time of the extension., whether they are shifted to 12:00 p.m. (PDT) for Americans and around 9:00 p.m. (Paris time) for Europeans. A request to which Blizzard has not yet responded.


Blizzard has launched an exclusive new Promotional Pack in the World of Warcraft store featuring multiple mounts and more for Dragonflight and Wrath of the Lich King Classic for the purchase of one year of game time. not miss!

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