WoW Dragonflight: The Surprising New Alpha Mounts

If there is one passion that federates almost all World of Warcraft players, it is that of mounts. Blizzard has understood this well and will introduce with Dragonflight a whole bunch of new rideable creatures into the game… Sometimes even very surprising! We’ve taken a quick tour of the datamined data and the Alpha, and we’ve got a full rundown of the most notable models (apart from the dragon-related mounts).

Note : Some other models have been discovered, but given their absence on the Alpha at the moment we have chosen not to add them to this article. This avoids potential disappointments if they are not introduced into the game (although those shown here may be removed by the time the expansion is released).

The Drake from Gladiator Season 1

Although accessible to a tiny minority of players, those who manage to reach the prestigious rank of Gladiator during Dragonflight PvP Season 1, this new mount is undoubtedly the most surprising (and coveted) of all those presented in this article. . Why ? Not only because its model is exceptional, but also because it is the only one benefiting from the new dragon flight mechanics. And that’s still completely crazy, enough to motivate one more to go and settle their accounts in the arena!

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Fox Wyverns

If we regret that for the moment they are not tamable by the Hunters on Alpha, Winged Foxes are fortunately making their appearance as mounts in Dragonflight. Well, their skeleton is that of our good old wyverns but the model is surprising and pretty enough for us to appreciate them despite everything!

Four colors are currently available:

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The Loutrèkes (with and without armor)

Like Fox Wyverns, Otterkes cannot be tamed by Hunters on the Alpha and it’s a real blow to the heart of the worshipers of this class. Fortunately, they exist as mounts and even have different models: some wear heavy armor, others simply wear their master’s fishing gear!

Example of Loutreke without armor

Five colors are available:

  • Blue
  • Black
  • White
  • Brown
  • Yellow
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Example of Caparisoned Otterke

Four colors are available:

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The Dragonflies

These are particularly surprising. If their model is largely reminiscent of Water Striders (which are no longer useful since walking on water was made accessible to all), Dragon Flies are distinguished by their huge wings and… Well of course, their ability to fly! Their running animation is the same as the Water Striders, but the flying animation is sure to give anyone who hates flying critters nightmares.

(The opportunity also to remember that “Dragonflight” means “Draconic Flight”. “Dragonfly” as many pronounce it is… this critter, a dragonfly!)

Five colors are available:

  • Orange
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
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Mammoths and Lava Mammoths

Our old mammoths from Wrath of the Lich King were given a new racing model quite recently, and while some assumed that this was meant to make them more modern, these new mounts show us that was not really the case. The old mammoths will probably not undergo a model change, but new ones will be obtainable on the Dragon Islands and the least we can say is that they really don’t laugh, whether they are “normal” or covered in lava!

Example of a Mammoth

Five colors exist:

  • Dark
  • Grey
  • Orange
  • Blue
  • Green
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Example of a Lava Mammoth

Four colors exist (the front horn has a different shape on some):

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The Eagle of the Wind

If it is not very surprising since having the same model and skeleton as recent similar birds (the Sapphire Skyblaze in particular), the Wind Eagle remains a particularly pretty mount. Nothing more to say about it, except that it is only available in one color on the Dragon Islands (but variants already exist in Zereth Mortis).

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Thunder Lizards

Blizzard chose to settle accounts with the old-timers, especially Horde players. The presence of Thunder Lizard mounts is clear proof of this, and it’s rather a good thing since it is one of the oldest creatures in the game and yet it has never had the right to be ridden by the players. Well, unfortunately his skeleton is not exclusive and is identical to that of the kodos, but hey… It’s still great!

Five colors are available

  • Green
  • Luminous (white)
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
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World of Warcraft

Lava snails and slugs

As with the Eagle of the Wind, the model of snails and slugs is nothing very exceptional since it has already made its appearance in Zereth Mortis. But mounts of this type have been so popular, led by the incredible Sererad, that Blizzard has chosen to offer new versions focused on elemental powers. It’s beautiful, they are snails, so let’s go!

The lava snails

Four colors are available:

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World of Warcraft

The lava slugs

We are absolutely not certain that this model is final, it is probably missing part of the saddle or it will be lower than currently. But hey, it’s an Alpha so in doubt here is their current model.

Four colors are available:

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World of Warcraft

The Elks

With new skeletons and an appearance that makes us wonder why Tauren and Highmountain Tauren never got a Belly Down ability like Worgen, Elks are making a comeback in WoW. A few models already exist but are so old (and objectively very ugly) that Blizzard seems to have opted for a cleaner version of these creatures. So much the better !

Three colors are available:

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World of Warcraft

Primal Plainstriders

As we mentioned earlier, Blizzard has a score to settle with World of Warcraft’s past, and the Primal Plainstriders are further proof of that. While a few creatures of this type have been available in the game for a very long time, their model is so infamous that no one uses them except to look intentionally ridiculous.

But that’s enough: these new Plainstrider models are here to put things in order and remind all WoW and Final Fantasy players that these creatures are not only scary, but that World of Warcraft has the best chocobos in video game history.

Five colors are available:

  • Blue
  • Black
  • Red
  • Green
  • White
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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is slowly but surely approaching. But what do you really think in the end? What is this new extension as expected as dreaded worth? We offer our opinion in our complete preview of Dragonflight after nearly 20 hours on its Alpha!

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