WoW War Within game news: 20 years later, these early monsters are reaching the community in the new expansion…


Game news WoW War Within: 20 years later, these early monsters are reaching the community in the new expansion…

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While they have served as cannon fodder for new World of Warcraft players for years, these monsters now have their own zone and story in The War Within!

Beyond various and varied improvements, World of Warcraft: The War Within – the latest expansion of the famous MMORPG released on August 28, 2024 – is an opportunity for fans to discover new environments. Here, it is the region of Khaz Algar that is in the spotlight with a whole bunch of corners depending on your level (the Isle of Dorn, The Echoing Abyss, Holy Falls and Azj-Kahet)… Precisely, in The Echoing Abyss is hidden The Blackflame Rift, a mine now occupied by Kobolds, a kind of humanoid rat.. Creatures well known to WoW players: if you start the adventure as a Human, you will be led to kill 10 of them in the Elwynn forest.

Don’t take my candles

A massacre that has become almost ordinary for World of Warcraft connoisseurs, but which takes on a new dimension in The War Within! In this expansion, Players complete several quests with these creatures, learning why they are so attached to their candles.. “You no take candle” is, indeed, a phrase they often repeat. Well, the Kobolds do this to repel the darkness themselves. These animals are also enslaved by the Candle King… In short, they are just innocent creatures trying to survive.

A moving truth

A truth that has touched the World of Warcraft community, as can be seen on Reddit… “Being forced to kill Kobolds and take their candles in Elwynn Forest is definitely different after playing The War Within,” says one user. “Seeing that they have a reason to fear the darkness is even more painful. They really needed those candles and we took them,” says another. Anyway, It is probably with this kind of detail that the latest WoW expansion hits the mark.. On Metacritic, it received a score of 85/100.


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