Wrinkle-free laundry: With these tips you will never have to iron again

Better than ironing
This is how you dry the laundry without creases

These tricks will make your household life easier!


Who does not know it? You get your wonderfully fragrant laundry out of the washing machine, hang it up to dry and a day later it looks as if a wrinkle monster has raged on the freshly washed clothes. But now it’s time to say goodbye, wrinkle monster! With these tips, you’ll never have to iron your laundry again. Find out more in the video!

Washing laundry would actually be totally easy if you didn’t have to iron it afterwards. Although – there are said to be people who find the process of ironing meditative and stress-reducing. Are you not one of them and do you not have someone in your environment who is enthusiastic about ironing and is willing to take over your ironing? It doesn’t matter – because maybe the annoying process of ironing will soon be (mostly) a thing of the past for you.

With a few clever tips, you can declare war on your creased laundry – and you can even leave your ironing board in the cupboard. Take a quick look at the video and learn the most ingenious tricks for all of us who are lazy about ironing!


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