WWDC 2024 — Apple will meet on June 10 to discover iOS 18

The most informed predicted that Apple would announce before the end of March the exact date on which its Worldwide Developers Conference would take place. And they were right, since Apple indicates today that its WWDC 2024 will take place on June 10. If the event must last until June 14, it is its opening which crystallizes attention, since its keynote inaugural welcomes the brand’s announcements. This year it will take place again online and “in person” at Apple Park.

The content of the conference remains to be specified, especially since Apple remains very vague regarding the content of its keynotelimiting itself to indicating that “WWDC 2024 will highlight the latest advances in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and visionOS”, the conference being immediately geared towards developers. One of its stars will undoubtedly be iOS 18, an operating system reserved for iPhones which should include new features in the customization department, but above all mark Apple’s debut in the world of generative AI, possibly in partnership with nothing less than… Google.

In addition to the software updates that the Californian giant will not fail to announce, the essential Vision Pro will be one of the stars of the event. Apple should detail the improvements made to its operating system, visionOS, just one year after the presentation of this headset which has caused a lot of ink to flow since its release in the United States, and which we too have tried. Perhaps there will also be a question of a wider marketing of the device…

Finally, let us add that Apple is not content with the software, but occasionally presents physical products during its event, it is possible that we will find new machines there. Why not new iPads or Macs; remember that WWDC 2023 was the scene of the announcement of the M2 Max and Ultra chips. Whatever the program, one thing is certain: the team of Digital will be mobilized to help you follow WWD 2024 as closely as possible and decipher the announcements!

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