Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès case: what happened to the house of horror? : Current Woman The MAG

In April 2011, five bodies were found in a 122m² house located at 55 boulevard Shuman, in Nantes. These bodies were those of Benoît, Thomas, Arthur, Anne and Agnès Dupont de Ligonnès, the family of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, who was never found by the police. While the magazine Society has just published the first part of a long survey and that Netflix offers a documentary, Unsolved Mysteries, around this drama, many people wonder what happens to the house.

It was only after the tragedy that the horror house was emptied of personal belongings, but that did not mean that it found buyers quickly. In 2015, our colleagues from Figaro revealed that a sales agreement had been signed in January of that year, for € 200,000, while the value of the property was € 450,000. A sale at a knockdown price, therefore.

A new sale, a new price

In 2019, it is the Huff Post who was interested in the house which was again offered for sale, and completely renovated for the occasion. This time, the listed price of the property was € 479,000, more than the initial value. If buyers had come forward, the sale was ultimately broken. At the end of last summer, our colleagues revealed that the house was still empty, for lack of people interested in entering the premises.

Read also : Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès: the gourmet meal offered to his youngest son after having murdered the rest of the siblings