Xbox Game Pass: Persona 5 Tactica and Dune for the second half of November

Technically, the festivities begin today with the arrival of Coral Island, a shimmering farming simulator set on a tropical island. But the big piece of the week will be Persona 5 Tactica, yet another variation of the most prominent J-RPG of the decade which will reduce the Phantom Thieves of Hearts to the state of chibi moving on a grid. Atlus will release the beast on November 17 on Game Pass.

Then, you will have to wait until November 28 to welcome the 4X/RTS Dune: Spice Wars, celebrating its port to Xbox Series X|S. The timing would have been perfect to celebrate the second film, unfortunately postponed, but this well-crafted adaptation offers to embody six different factions – from the Harkonnen to the Fremen – to dominate the sandy world of Arrakis.

Also coming on November 28 is Rollerdrome, a horribly underrated roller arcade shooter that I spoke to you about with love in the April 9 Weekly. Shameless skating and plating for adrenaline lovers.

And in the opposite direction…

As you know, every arrival signals its share of departures. November 30 will mark the last day on the Game Pass of ANVIL, Battlefield 1943, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Disc Room (another game that I said good things about in the Weekly), Eastward and GRID.

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