Xbox: Results still on the rise, the Xbox Series leading the next-gen market in several territories

The financial results of each major group are falling in spades at the end of April, and the first manufacturer to reveal its figures to us is none other than Microsoft. After having signed a record year 2021, the manufacturer seems to be doing better than ever, and it is not this last quarter that will spoil the party if we are to believe the results presented, which indicate that the Xbox sector continues to grow.

The Xbox Series in front of the PS5 in several territories

As the analyst points out Daniel Ahmadwhich summarized the important figures of Microsoft’s latest balance sheet, the Xbox branch signs here its best quarter outside the holiday season.

Compared to last year, at the same period, there is thus a 6% increase in income, which is equivalent to 3.74 billion. These are obviously the games and services that pay the most here, starting with the Xbox Game Pass. This share then represents 81% of revenues, while hardware sales represent 19%.

And that’s a good score for Microsoft, since the company can claim to be the leader in the next-gen market (so only the PS5 is taken into account here, not the Switch) for this last quarterat least according to company CEO Satya Nadella:

With our Xbox Series X and S consoles, we have taken market share globally for two consecutive quarters. And we are the market leader this quarter among next-gen consoles in the US, Canada, UK and Western Europe. »

Like always, Microsoft remains a little vague on the true figure of consoles sold, knowing that last quarter the Xbox Series X and S were estimated to have sold 12 million copies. In any case, the Xbox Series is selling better than last year at the same time, which is the sign of a small return to normal regarding the influx of stocks. According to Dina Bass According to Bloomberg, this increase is greater than Microsoft imagined, and the Xbox division is growing within the company.

In short, Xbox had a great quarter, and the Xbox Series continues to prove itself a success.

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