Xbox Series X | S: Microsoft shows cheaper alternative – by mistake

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has published a photo on Twitter, which probably also shows Microsoft’s upcoming streaming console. Although it may only be a prototype, rumors about the “Keystone” Xbox are fueled again.

“Keystone”: Microsoft shows Xbox streaming console

More or less accidentally, Xbox boss Phil Spencer has one Image published on Twitterat which one unassuming white box causes a stir. Actually, Spencer probably only wanted to congratulate Bethesda on the 25th birthday of the Fallout series, but the occasion quickly faded into the background. The white box is likely to be Microsoft’s Xbox streaming console, referred to internally as the “Keystone”.

The console can be seen on the top shelf:

Only at first glance does the console look like an Xbox Series S, because it is far too small for that. According to previous reports, it should be even smaller and come in the form of an HDMI dongle. As it is the white box probably a prototypethe appearance can still change before the performance.

Unlike the Xbox Series X and S consoles, Keystone is said to be a device dedicated exclusively to the streaming games over the internet concentrated. It is likely to be marketed by Microsoft as a more affordable alternative to traditional consoles and gaming PCs. In addition to streaming via the cloud, media apps such as Netflix can also be expected.

Microsoft recently presented a new Xbox controller:

Trailer for the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 – Core

Earlier Xbox shelf leak

Incidentally, such an “accident” is not entirely new. When the Xbox Series X was introduced, the Series S was shown as a “supporting actor” on Phil Spencer’s shelf in the video background. At that time, however nobody took notice.

When will Microsoft’s streaming console appear?

It is currently still unclear when Microsoft will launch the Xbox streaming console. The first reports about “Keystone” were at the beginning of 2022. The fact that the Xbox boss has now shown the console on Twitter via detours could be taken as an indication that a Release of the console is not too far away.

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