Xi-Biden meeting at the G20 in Bali: Europe will wait

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Europeans hope to make their voices heard on Russian aggression, but the summit is dominated by the meeting between the Chinese and American presidents.

From our special correspondent in Bali, Jeremy Andre

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden shake hands during the G20 summit in Bali on November 14, 2022.

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” NOTour relationship will literally help shape the 21ste century. “ Joe Biden had prophesied it in 2012, during his last meeting of equals with Xi Jinping (they were then vice-presidents of the two first world powers). It was time for little jokes about the American elections and the announced defeat of the Republicans… Ten years later, the two men met again at the G20 in Bali, for the first time as presidents, in a climate of cold war where the tensions between the two superpowers and the war in Ukraine divide the planet.

But it’s another hot spot that seems to have occupied the very long Xi-Biden interview. During a three-hour interview, the two most powerful leaders on the planet dotted the i in Ta…

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