Yannick Jadot presents his “Ecological Republic” against the “blah blah” of climate inaction

Yannick Jadot presented his program on Saturday, during a meeting in Lyon.

The environmental candidate for the presidential Yannick Jadot presented, on Saturday during a meeting in Lyon, his program to establish an “Ecological Republic” which would put an end to the “blabla” of climate inaction.

At H7, a place dedicated to Lyon’s digital entrepreneurship, in front of 300 people, some seated on boxes, others standing, the MEP first presented his new slogan, “Let’s change!”

To read :Yannick Jadot, a Green on his land

“It is the appeal of youth to those who destroy their future”, declared Yannick Jadot. “We say it, with heart and with Greta Thunberg and the youth of the world: ‘No more bla bla bla'”, (“no more blabla”).

The one who is credited with between 5 and 7% in the polls, within a split left, presented several of his 120 or so proposals, first emphasizing the ecological transition.

Our daily survey: The presidential in real time

He wants to invest “10 billion euros per year in the thermal renovation of housing and public buildings”.

For transport, “we will invest massively in rail, to the tune of four billion euros per year”, said the candidate.

He intends to “ban the sale of new vehicles with fossil fuel in 2030, that’s clear, that’s clear!” Instead, he wants a “plan to relocate the production of electric vehicles”

“I know what car addiction is,” assured the native of Aisne.

“We will increase the bicycle fund by 500 million euros per year. Each young person will be loaned a bicycle if they wish, a repaired bicycle or one made in France,” he added.

“I will be the president of ecology and the power to live”

On nuclear power, the ecologist claimed his realism: “As we deploy renewable energies, as energy saving programs take effect, we will close the oldest reactors”, he said. .

Yannick Jadot also insisted on its social component. “Ecology is gardening, and social justice!”, Chanted the candidate, citing “the construction of 700,000 social housing units over the five-year period”, a “citizen income” at 920 euros “accessible from 18 years old” , raising the minimum wage to 1,500 euros net by 2027.

“I will be the president of ecology and the power to live,” he promised.

Yannick Jadot attacked the “liberal doxa of austerity”. He wants to hire “200,000 people in public services”, an announcement warmly welcomed by activists: “to the 10,000 planned police recruitments, we will add 100,000 nurses, 3,000 magistrates, 8,000 court officers, 65,000 school teachers and 8,000 to 10,000 university teachers”.

To finance it, he wishes in particular to create more income tax brackets and a “climate tax on wealth which will tax assets over 2 million”, a tax which according to him “will bring in 15 billion euros”.

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