Yannick Jadot: who is his girlfriend?

Yannick Jadot is one of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election, the first round of which will take place on Sunday April 10. To support him during his campaign, the ecologist can count on the support of his partner: the journalist Isabelle Saporta.

“Nothing would have been possible without her.” On May 26, 2019, Yannick Jadot’s Europe Écologie – Les Verts (EELV) list came third in the European elections, with 13.5% of the vote. An unexpected success, for which the environmental candidate did not fail to thank his companion, Isabelle Saporta, for her support. In a relationship for two years already, the MEP and the journalist have decided toformalize their relationship that night. Since then, Yannick Jadot can count on his companion. This support is more than welcome thirty-nine days before the first round of the 2022 presidential election.

Journalist specializing in environmental issues, she resigned from her post at RTLwhere she hosted the column It’s like that, just days after going public with her romance. Before his move to RTL, the companion of Yannick Jadot collaborated with several media, in the written press as on television or radio. She worked for Marianneat France Inter with Jean-Pierre Coffe, on France 2 but also for Europe 1. thanks to her professional activity that she met the one who shares her life today. In 2017, Yannick Jadot was invited to the BFM TV set to take part in a debate on neonicotinoids. Isabelle Saporta was also present that day. After the show, she offered to accompany him to the field. They did not never left again.

A stint in politics

After her resignation, the journalist tried to get into politics, at the time of the 2020 municipal elections, in Paris. Against all odds, it was not with the environmental candidate, David Belliard, that she campaigned. In August 2019, she first made a commitment to Gaspard Gantzer, the former adviser to François Hollande, candidate of the “Parisiennes, Parisiens” movement. A few months later, she finally decided to join forces with Cédric Villani, candidate for La République en Marche. In May 2020, she eventually withdrew from the campaign after the government announced that the second round would be held on June 28.

Isabelle Saporta has also become the literary director at Fayard in January 2021. A universe that is not unknown to him since the one who is also the mother of two daughters (born from a previous union) has written several books. Committed to the fight for ecologyshe published The Black Book of Agriculture: how we murder our farmers, our health and the environment in 2011 or Wine Business in 2014. These two investigations subsequently gave rise to documentaries broadcast on France 3. Since 2020, she has also been a columnist on RMC Story and on BFM TV.

After posing with his wife for the magazine Paris Match in 2019, Yannick Jadot now prefers preserve your privacy. At the beginning of February 2022, he justified himself during an interview on LCI, relayed by Gala : My companion has lost a lot because of my political career. She has lost a lot from the professional point of view, from the point of view of her commitment, from the point of view of her convictions. An interview during which he also assured to be “modest”.

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